Chapter 3

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The Ball was what was expected from a royal family. It was very formal, with people using manners and not eating like pigs. People were in the middle of the room waltzing, while others were sitting at tables having conversations, some at the buffet. There was a bigger crowd near the buffet, which meant that the Queen was amongst the crowd. "Should we say hi to the Queen. . .?" John looked at the crowd with a raised eyebrow.
"No." Sherlock said curtly. "Too much people there already. We should just go to the buffet like normal people."
"Normal people?" Mary repeated, chuckling.
"Yes, like normal people. We aren't normal Mary, you should know that." Sherlock said heading towards the buffet.
"Come on," Lestrade sighed. "We better go before something bad happens to the sod."
"You must be hungry as well, Mary." John added.
"Oh, I'm starving." Mary agreed, hobbling towards the buffet with her husband and the DI. Sherlock met them halfway, handing Mary a plate full of food.
"You could have made a line if you were to get your food, Mary." Sherlock said quite rudely. John glared at Sherlock, while Lestrade just sighed and Mary rolled her eyes.
"Come on, let's go sit somewhere." Mary said, hobbling away. John followed immediately, worried for his wife, while Lestrade and Sherlock took their time. Sherlock was looking around the place, deducing people, while Lestrade tried taking a look at the royal family.
"I wonder if they know me?" Lestrade told Sherlock. "I mean, I'm in the police force, helping the community."
"I don't know, Lestrade." Sherlock sighed bored, sitting next to John, Mary on the other side of John. "Why don't you go there and ask, or look for a woman to be with. You know your wife is still with the PE teacher."
"You should be looking for a woman." John said, eating some food.
"Does it look like I care about that?" Sherlock asked him.
"No, not really." "Yes, you do." John and Mary said at the same time.
"He does?" "No I don't!" John and Sherlock said at the same time.
"He's desperate!" Mary said in a singing voice. "You can see it in his eyes, a longing look I see, and the way he was looking at the women in this room. Don't worry Sherlock, I am sure someone is perfect for you here."
Sherlock glared slightly at her for being right, and looked away from them, ignoring Lestrade's look of pity. "I'm feeling slightly thirsty." Sherlock said, hopping out of his seat. "I'm just going to go get some wine."
It's been ten minutes since Sherlock left the table, and he decided to just stay around the buffet, drinking his wine sadly. What Mary said was true, he was lonely. John was married now, and won't be needing Sherlock anymore. Sherlock knew that one day John won't need him anymore in his life, which leaves him lonely just like before he met John. John had made him slightly turn more human, showing a tiny bit of sentiment.
Sherlock looked at the centre, and saw John happily dancing with Mary, and Lestrade hitting it off with a woman. All his friends were happy with their lives, all except him. "The disadvantages of being different." Sherlock said softly to himself. He was not aware though, that somebody heard him.
"Ditto, I know how that feels." a woman says from next to him.

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