Chapter 21

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The next day, Sherlock went by Melody's place to see how she was doing (and because he was slightly bored). He entered the house to see her running around dusting the place.
   "Melody?" he frowned. "What are you doing? You dusted yesterday already."
   "They're coming!" she exclaimed, rushing past him. "Sarah and her daughters are coming back."
   "What?" Sherlock stared at her shocked. "Really? I thought she ran off or something after hearing about me investigating your father's murder!"
   "She doesn't know anything." she told him. "I had told her that you had no leads or anything."
   "And she believed that?" he looked at her incredulously.
   "Somewhat." she shrugged. "She sounded relieved."
   "Hm. . ." he murmured. "Do you know where they went? How did you get in touch?"
   "I don't know where she went. And she called me. She would call to make sure I'm not doing anything stupid - like I would anyway."
   "Do you know when exactly they would be here?" Sherlock asked eagerly.
   "Around in the afternoon - say, maybe three?"
   "Good." Sherlock breathed out, his mind already going in action for a plan. "I'll have a plan by then. . .hopefully."
Soon Sarah and her daughters came back, and saw the house spot clean, the living room a new colour that she wanted. Sarah slightly felt impressed at the job Melody did in just a couple of days. Sarah did not know, however, that Melody had some help from John and Sherlock.
   "I see you got the job done." Sarah said, looking around with narrowed eyes. Melody shuffled on her feet uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. Sarah narrowed her eyes at the woman.
   "It wasn't that hard." Melody said. "I've done this most of my life now."
   "Yes, you have." Sarah mused. "Such a good servant." Sarah saw her grit her teeth angrily, but did not say anything. She loved how much control she had over Melody. Only a few occasional retorts back from Melody, but most of the time Melody was too afraid to talk back.
   "Anyway," Sarah walked away from Melody, her daughters trailing behind, "you know what to do. Get our luggage and unpack them. And then I want you to make us dinner - only for us, not you."
   "Of course." Melody said softly. Her step-sister snickered at her retreating figure, tripping her when she went by them. "Must you seriously act like five-year-olds?" Melody suddenly hissed, giving them a death stare. The three stared at Melody shocked. Melody said nothing and instead grabbed their luggage. "I'm just going to go and unpack your stuff." she muttered. While walking away, Sarah spoke up.
   "Oh Melody, you won't get away with what you said." Sarah said with a sickening sweet voice. Melody shivered at what she said, knowing what Sarah intended.
Sherlock looked up from his experiment at the sound of the door opening, his mouth falling open at the sight in front of him, dropping the beaker he was holding. "Melody!" he cried in horror. Melody gave him a weak smile, before collapsing to a nearby chair at the dining table. Sherlock quickly jumped up and rushed to her side. "Christ!" Sherlock cursed. "What happened?"
"Talked back to Sarah's daughters." Melody winced. The sight of her made Sherlock's heart break. She had cuts and bruises on her face, a split lip, and a swollen eye. From what he could see, she might have some bruised ribs as well, and on her legs as well when he saw the way she walked.
"I'm going to go and get John." Sherlock pulled out his phone and dialled John's number.
"Hey Sherlock, you usually don't call -"
"Get to Baker Street NOW!" Sherlock said, before hanging up. "Come on, let's take you to my bed."
John quickly rushed up the stairs while calling out to Sherlock. "Sherlock? Where are you?" John called out.
"In here." came Sherlock's strained voice from his bedroom. John quickly went to Sherlock's room and gasped at the sight of Melody's injured form. Sherlock was at her side, holding her hand tightly, looking very scared and mad at the same time.
"Oh my God!" John gasped. He immediately went into doctor mode and went to her other side. "What happened." John demanded, while checking her injuries out.
"Her stepmother and sisters did this." Sherlock seethed out, his hands clenching into fists. Melody winced at the tight grip on her hand.
"Ow, Sherlock." Sherlock immediately released her hand, and for a moment, thought about chopping his own hand off for causing harm on her.
"Help her, please." Sherlock begged. John ignored the fact that Sherlock begged, and tended to Melody's wounds.

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