Chapter 12

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Soon John met the couple outside, and they left to go to the morgue. "Why are we going to the morgue?" Melody asked them confused.
"I want you to meet another acquaintence of mine," Sherlock told her. "Her name is Molly Hooper."
"Oh. Okay." Melody replied, staring out the window.
"She was trying to help me find you by checking for DNA on the shoe." Sherlock explained, looking at her with a small smile. "She couldn't find anything without damaging it."
"That's nice." Melody smiled. "She must like you to do something for you."
"What?" Sherlock and John said at the same time.
"Come on," she scoffed. "Isn't it obvious? This Molly Hooper likes Sherlock!"
"H-how would you know?" John asked her confused.
"Sherlock said so himself that people don't like him." Melody shrugged, looking at them with a grin. "It wouldn't be a surprise that any woman he met would fancy him, I mean -" she leaned forward and patted Sherlock's cheek. "Look at them cheekbones." Melody teased.
"But that doesn't make any sense." John said, still not understanding. Quite frankly, neither of the guys did.
"Come on," Melody said. "People don't like him, yet she does. She didn't damage the shoes because Sherlock didn't want it to be damaged. And the way Sherlock looked slightly guilty when mentioning her."
"Guilt?" Sherlock frowned.
"Guilt." Melody confirmed. "You feel guilty that you can't return her feelings."
"Wow." John chuckled. "You two are really a perfect match."
The three of them enter a lab, to see someone bent over at a table, looking through a microscope. Sherlock cleared his throat, making the person jump and turn in their direction. The person, was indeed, Molly Hooper. She wore her white lab coat with her normal clothes underneath, surgery gloves on, all bloody, her brown hair all tied back. She looked at them like a deer caught in spotlights.
"Molly," Sherlock greeted. "I see you're doing fine."
"Sherlock!" she exclaimed. "I-I didn't hear you come in!"
"That's okay," he said casually. "I just wanted you to meet my Mystery woman."
"Mystery woman!" Molly repeated, shocked. "Is she here, now?" Molly pulled off her gloves immediately. "I'm not even dressed up to meet her!"
"It's all right." Melody said, speaking up. She stepped to the side from behind Sherlock, and smiled at her gently. "I don't mind if you're covered in blood."
Molly looked down with a blush, before looking back up to smile shyly, but sadly. "Molly Hooper," she introduced. "Nice to finally meet you."
"You too!" Melody grinned, shaking her hand. "I heard a lot about you."
"Really?" Molly looked at Sherlock shocked.
"Really." Melody confirmed. "He explained how you helped him try to find me, and how you helped him in lots of things when he needed you the most."
"Really?" Molly repeated.
"You are very lucky to be friends with this man, Molly." Melody told her.
"You won't meet anyone better than him or Doctor John Watson."
Molly now felt happy meeting Sherlock's girl, instead of feeling sad and jealous, and was glad to become friends with a woman as kind and beautiful as Melody.
"I never mentioned anything about her helping me when I needed her." Sherlock commented after they said their farewells to a happy Molly.
"You didn't." Melody confirmed. "But your behaviour did."
John chuckled at Sherlock's shocked look while Melody walked ahead of them, patting his back. "That woman right there," John said. "Is definitely a keeper. Do not - and I mean it - do not ever lose her."
"Noted." Sherlock nodded, hurrying up to meet with Melody, afraid he might lose her already. John chuckled at his best friend's antics, before catching up with them.
"Come on," John said, wrapping his arms around the two people, much to Sherlock's dismay. "Melody needs to meet one more person."
"Mary, I'm home!" John called out from the front door, shaking his coat off, Sherlock following. They walked into the living room of the Watson's, hearing some clutter in the kitchen.
"Hang on, I'll be there soon!" They heard her call out.
"Mary's probably eating all the food again." John sighed, walking towards the kitchen. "I better check on her. Perks of pregnant women." John left the living room, so it was just Sherlock and Melody in a living room.
"So Mary is pregnant?" Melody clarified, looking at a wedding photo of the Watsons, along with Sherlock next to Mary, standing straight and professional. Melody thought Mary looked beautiful.
"Yep." Sherlock nodded, popping the 'p'. "Told them on their wedding, actually."
"Another deduction?" Melody chuckled.
"Another deduction." Sherlock nodded with a small smile.
Finally the Watsons came into the room, Mary's stomach very visible. "Mary," Sherlock greeted, nodding. "Nice to see you and the baby. . .again."
"Nice to see you too, Sherlock." Mary grinned. She then turned to Melody. "You must be Melody Rose! Aka, Mystery woman!"
"That's me." Melody replied shyly.
"Thank God you're found." Mary joked. "Sherlock was turning crazy, unable to find you until now."
"Mycroft basically told him where to go." John added.
"Trust Mycroft to know where everyone is." Mary stated.
"Well," Sherlock cleared his throat. "I didn't know we were going to talk about my annoying brother."
"You're right." Mary agreed. "We're here to get to know more about Melody!"
"I already know her life story." Sherlock sniffed. "If you two paid attention at one of my rambles when trying to find Melody, you would have known."
"Now, now." John said. "Sorry we didn't listen to your rambles about your love life."
"But I guess you should've." Melody said, speaking up for the first time ever since she introduced herself. "I mean, you barely hear anything from him about his feelings for someone."
"The last time I heard about his love life was with him and The Woman, and Janine." John said.
"Okay, I know about The Woman." Melody mumbled. "She was that sex worker." Melody turned to Sherlock confused. "But you never mentioned anything about a Janine."
"That's because Janine is his fake ex-girlfriend." Mary spoke up, smiling slightly. "Sherlock was just pretending that she was his girlfriend, when really -"
"-I just needed her for information about a certain someone." Sherlock finished, his face looking uncomfortable at the topic. "That was all that happened."
"What was that bath tub incident then?" John raised his eyebrow at Sherlock. "You two sounded like you were having fun."
"And what John told me," Mary added. "She was just in your shirt when she was there."
Sherlock and Melody sat on the couch uncomfortable, no longer interested on the topic. "You slept with a woman to get 'information'?" Melody exclaimed quietly, letting John and Mary have their conversation about Sherlock's love life. "How desperate were you? Or did you actually -"
"No." Sherlock said sharply. "She was just someone I needed to get information on somebody. And in order to do that, I needed to get 'close' to her."
"And you couldn't have thought of another way? Sherlock, don't treat yourself like you're worthless. You're not a burden to me, or any of us in this room right now."
"I don't treat myself like that!" Sherlock argued. "I mean, I used to, but now I don't. Not ever since I met you." Sherlock stated. "Melody, ever since I met you, you made me realise how important I am, and the people around me called friends." Sherlock leaned his forehead on hers, staring at her with full of love. "And," he murmured. "You showed me what love was."
"Glad I could help." Melody whispered, smiling at him shyly.
"But now it's my turn to help you." Sherlock whispered back, giving her a slow kiss.
"Aw!" Mary sniffed, wiping at her eyes. John was also smiling at them, secretly storing it away in his mind for blackmail or for a special occasion. Sherlock and Melody then realised that they were not alone in the room.
"They are never going to forget this." Sherlock muttered, his forehead still leaning against Melody's.
"Nope!" John said happily, waving his phone around. "Because I took photos of you two!"
"Great." Sherlock sighed, but smiled when he heard Melody's giggle.
"Man, you are totally whipped." John chuckled, quickly taking a picture of a smiling Sherlock.

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