Chapter 19

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"So what's her name?" Melody asked the Watson parents quietly. Mary had just given birth, and John had invited Melody and Sherlock to enter the room.
   Sherlock stood stiffly at her side, staring at the newborn with a blank face that was being held by John.
   "Her name's Amelia." John beamed, rocking his daughter gently. "Amelia Melody Watson." Melody beamed at the middle name, blushing furiously. "Would you like to hold her?"
   "Sure!" Melody smiled shyly, grabbing Amelia with careful hands. Sherlock couldn't help but admire the way she looked with a baby. She looked like a natural when handling babies. Sherlock can imagine her being a mother in the future.
   Mary silently nudged him, noticing him staring at Melody with fondness. "You two are next." she mouthed to him. Sherlock looked away from her embarrassed, turning his gaze back to Melody.
   "So, Sherlock," John started, "the big question -"
   "John, you're already married, why are you asking this?" Sherlock interrupted confused, making John sigh.
   "You didn't let me finish." John said patiently. "I was gonna say, would you like to be the godfather of my child?"
   Sherlock froze again like the time when John asked him to be the best man, making John chuckle.
   "Hello?" John called amused. "Earth to Sherlock."
   "I got this." Melody smirked, walking towards Sherlock. She stood in front of him, went on her tippy toes and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Sherlock reacted immediately, kissing her back.
   John snickered at the way Sherlock immediately responded to the kiss, glancing at Mary amused.
   "So. . ." Sherlock trailed off, looking at the newborn in his girlfriend's arms. "You want me. . .to be her. . .godfather?"
   "Hmm. . .yes. Basically." John nodded.
   "Do you accept?" Mary added. Sherlock looked at the Watsons, then at his girlfriend and the baby.
   "Sure." Sherlock said casually, shrugging. Melody rolled her eyes at his casualness.
   "Would you like to hold her?" Mary asked him. Sherlock then threw away the idea of acting casual.
   "What - no!" Sherlock panicked. "I could squish her!"
"No you won't." Mary rolled her eyes. "Melody, give the baby to Sherlock."
"No - Melody, seriously, no." Sherlock panicked, his hands stiff at his sides.
"It's okay, it's okay." Melody cooed, rubbing his arm in a soothing way with one arm. "Why don't you sit down, yeah?"
Sherlock sat down on a chair nearby, and took deep breaths. "Now, I'm going to give Amelia to you -"
"No - Melody, no." Sherlock shook his head. "I might hurt the baby."
"Then think of Amelia as something else." Melody shrugged. She suddenly came with an idea. "Imagine Amelia like she was your own daughter."
Sherlock stopped panicking, and thought about what Melody said. "Like. . .she's. . .my own?" Sherlock repeated slowly. John and Mary looked at Melody bewildered.
"Sherlock having kids?" John whispered to Mary. "Can't imagine it."
"Yeah." Melody nodded, unaware of the Watson' conversation. "What would you do if Amelia was your own child?"
"I would. . ." Sherlock hesitated. "Want to her hold her."
"And how would you hold her?"
"Like she is the most fragile thing in the world." Sherlock answered immediately, thinking of the future. He could imagine Melody lying down where Mary was, and him sitting beside her with a baby girl cradled in his arms. . .
"Alright, here we go." Melody said, and carefully placed Amelia in Sherlock's arms. Sherlock tensed immediately, holding her firmly in his arms. "Not too firmly. Relax a little." Melody drew patterns on his back, making him relax and calm down. Amelia slept peacefully in Sherlock's arms, her small hand scrunching up several times.
"Hello Amelia." Sherlock said gently. "I'm Sherlock, your godfather." Sherlock looked up at Melody with a small gentle smile. "This is Melody, your godmother. She's the most kindest, beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on." Sherlock chuckled at the small blush forming on Melody's face. "I have a feeling we will be seeing you a lot more often, Amelia."
The calm Sherlock immediately started to panic when Amelia started wriggling around. "Melody, she's moving! What do I do?"
"Calm down, calm down." Melody laughed, taking Amelia in her arms much to Sherlock's relief. "You'll get used to it." Melody handed Mary her child back, before making her way back to Sherlock, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Thank you for making us the godparents of your child, even though the both of you just met me."
"Oh, it's nothing." Mary waved off. "If Sherlock trusts you and loves you, you are definitely trustworthy."
Melody smiled at the Watson family, before turning to Sherlock. "Come on, let's leave them alone."
Sherlock nodded, standing up beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "We'll see you later." Sherlock nodded at them, before escorting himself and Melody out.
"Aren't they adorable?" Mary cooed, while rocking their daughter.
"Yeah," John chuckled, "Melody is definitely a keeper."

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