Chapter 14

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Melody led Sherlock down a hallway, before they reached the attic. "Sorry if my room isn't much." Melody said sheepishly. She opened the door, and allowed Sherlock in through. Sherlock's eyes widened at her room. It was not what he expected. Since the house was a shade of dark, he didn't expect her room to be a bright colour. The room was white and modern, yet old fashion.
"My parents had the colour of the room changed before I was born. They didn't want me living in a dark room." Melody explained, looking around as well. "As I grew up, I made it more into my style, while keeping some things the same way, like the colour of the room.
"This is a really nice room." Sherlock said genuinely. "How come your parents bought a house that has dark colours if they didn't want you to be raised in a dark place?"
"This home has been my family's for generations," Melody explained, going to a bookshelf. She then revealed a thick photo album. "See? This is from the late eighteen hundreds."
Sherlock walked over towards her and flicked through the book with her. Melody told him the history, making him store it away in his Mind Palace. He had a whole wing of the Palace on her. He had every conversation, every kiss, every hug - everything they did together kept in that wing.
They were up to the recent photos, when Sherlock stopped her from turning a page when he saw a baby that looked really familiar. "Is that you?" Sherlock asked her, smirking at her embarassed look. "You look quite adorable when you were little."
"Oh please." she mumbled, turning the page quickly. "You're just saying that. I hope the kids get your looks."
"What?" Sherlock said, looking at her shocked. She seemed to snap out of her daze, and looked at him confused.
"What?" she said.
"You just said, "I hope the kids get your looks."" Sherlock quoted.
"I'm so sorry!" Melody rushed out, blushing madly. "I didn't mean to sound creepy, it just came out -!"
"It's all right." Sherlock interrupted. "I am okay with it." Sherlock couldn't help but felt giddy inside. Deep down he always wanted a family. A wife, kids, a happy family. Sherlock had thought he would never find the right person to be with; he thought he would be lonely forever. Now that he met Melody, he started feeling hopeful. But when Melody had said she wanted kids with him, Sherlock couldn't help but feel whole.
"Sorry." she apologized again, unaware of Sherlock's happiness. She stood up, tucking the album away. "Anyway, I am probably boring you now -" You can never bore me, Sherlock thought, "-so I should show you my father's study room."
She led him out of her room, going two doors down, and opening the door hesitantly. "This is my father's study room." she murmured. She allowed him in first, before closing the door behind her. Sherlock looked around curiously. It was a simple study room; desk in the centre of the room, surrounding it was bookshelves and chests, along with pictures of the family. Sherlock saw another picture of Melody when she was little. Sherlock moved to the desk with Melody following close behind, where he saw an outline of where the blood used to be on the desk. Melody seemed to notice as well, and whimpered. Sherlock gave her hand a small squeeze of comfort, before he went to business.
"How did they find your father?" Sherlock asked her, making sure he knew the details correctly.
"His head was leaning on the desk, like he was taking a nap." Melody answered, moving away from the desk to look around. "His arms were next to each other, but his right hand more closer to his head like he shot it."
"But he didn't kill himself." Sherlock stated.
"No." she agreed. "He couldn't have anyway with his right hand, he was -"
"Left-handed." Sherlock finished, looking around the room, "I noticed." Sherlock had a small flashback to the case of The Blind Banker.
"I tried telling the police, but they wouldn't believe me since I was just a child."
"A smart child, though." Sherlock complimented her to cheer her up. "And very wise."
Melody smiled slightly at his words, then looked away with a frown. "My parents were very honest with me." Melody told him. "And I don't ever recall them having a gun license or anything."
"Did you check everywhere in case they didn't tell you because you were just a child?" Sherlock asked her, sifting through papers.
"I checked everywhere, even his secret safe full of valuables." Melody confirmed.
"So you were right all along." Sherlock told her, holding her shoulders while gazing into her eyes. "Your father didn't commit suicide, he was murdered." Sherlock then nodded to the papers. "I looked through all his papers and none of them were any suicidal thoughts."
"So someone came into my home while I was gone, and killed my father who was all alone in the house." Melody stated, looking down at the ground sadly.
"Unfortunately, yes." Sherlock nodded.
"It's all my fault for leaving him alone at home!" Melody choked out, trying to hold back her tears. "I was in the library, grabbing a new book for the both of us to read. I told him he couldn't go because I was going to keep the book a surprise! Oh my God -"
"Hey!" Sherlock said firmly, tilting her head up slightly from her chin. "Don't think like that, it wasn't your fault."
"But -"
"No buts. It wasn't your fault." Sherlock said firmly.
"Okay." she whispered, but still didn't believe it.
"Come on." Sherlock sighed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders while leading them out of the room. "I want you to pack your bags. I don't want you sleeping here with your step-mother and sisters."

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