Chapter 13

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"Mrs Hudson, I'm back!" Sherlock called from the doorway, shrugging his coat and scarf off. He then went and helped Melody take her jacket off.
"Ooh, Sherlock!" they heard a voice cry back. "Back so soon? I haven't finished cleaning your living room!"
"I thought she wasn't your housekeeper?" Melody raised an eyebrow at Sherlock.
"She isn't." Sherlock agreed, leading her up the stairs. "I think she sees me as a son or something."
"Aw, that's nice!" Melody grinned up at him, making him smile back down at her. He couldn't help it! Her smile was contagious. They walked into Sherlock's living room, to see Mrs Hudson holding Sherlock's skull, while cleaning the spot the skull was in.
"Careful!" Sherlock exclaimed, snatching the skull out of the old woman's hands. "This is really fragile. I don't want this breaking from you."
"Oh Sherlock," Mrs Hudson waved off. "I think I can handle a skull, than your bloody thumbs that are stored in the fridge!"
"Thumbs?" Melody smirked slightly. "In the fridge?"
Mrs Hudson finally realised Melody was there, and gasped excitedly. "You must be Sherlock's Mystery Woman!" she exclaimed. "I'm Mrs Hudson, so nice to finally meet you!"
"You too!" Melody grinned, shaking her hand. "Sherlock told me a lot about you."
"That's nice!" Mrs Hudson smiled widely, looking between the two love birds. "Sherlock wouldn't stop talking about you!"
"So I've heard." Melody looked at an embarassed Sherlock, who was openly scowling at the old woman. The said woman didn't notice, and looked around the room.
"Oh!" she exclaimed. "John isn't here!"
"He decided to stay at home after we found Melody." Sherlock said, sitting in his armchair. "Melody met Mary at their place, then we left them to themselves."
"Oh that's right." Mrs Hudson murmured, going into the kitchen. "The baby decided she wanted to come out next week instead of two weeks."
"They must be really nervous." Melody noted, sitting on the sofa.
"They are," Sherlock nodded, "I think they can handle it, though. They had enough practise with me." Melody smiled at Sherlock, before turning her gaze to Mrs Hudson who came back from the kitchen. She carried a tray with her, full of tea and biscuits.
"Oh, let me help!" Melody quickly went to the old woman.
"Oh!" she laughed. "I am quite all right with this -"
"Oh please!" Melody said, taking the tray from her gently. "I am used to doing these kind of stuff. Done it ever since my parents died."
"Which is why you should stop." Sherlock said, making himself some tea when the tray was put down. "You did all those chores because you were forced to." Sherlock looked at Melody with gentle eyes, ignoring the look of surprise and awe on Mrs Hudson's face. "Now, you don't have to."
"I gotta go back home though." Melody murmured, sitting in John's old chair.
"You will." Sherlock nodded. "But I will be there with you."
"Really?" Melody looked at him hopefully.
"Of course!" Sherlock scoffed. "You're not safe here. That, and if I recall, you said your father did not commit suicide."
"That was years ago," she said, nibbling on some biscuits. "All evidence must be gone now."
"You said the study room he died in hasn't been touched though."
"But I doubt you will get anything, though."
"Melody, you do know what my job is, right?" Sherlock asked her rhetorically.
"I'd trust him, if I were you," Mrs Hudson, said, leaving the room while talking. "Sherlock is quite good at his job."
Melody looked at Sherlock with hopeful eyes for a moment, before looking down at her tea. "Okay." she nodded. "I have faith in you, Sherlock."
"Good!" Sherlock grinned over his cup of tea, taking a sip.
"Nice home." Sherlock commented, having arrived at Melody's childhood home with her at his side, late at night.
"It used to be." Melody muttered, staring at the house with sadness. "Now it just has sad memories."
"We'll fix that soon." Sherlock promised, wanting to see her breathtaking smile appear on her face. Sherlock didn't get what he wanted, only receiving a look of sadness. The house was beautiful yet sad at the same time. The house was two storey high, a shade of dark brown, the front balcony a colour of black, along with the roof. The front yard had dead plants and grass; though, if you imagine it being healthy, the front yard would look beautiful. The yard might have not been cared of, but surprisingly the outside of the house was cared for.
"Sarah, my step-mother, said that she doesn't care about the gardens," she said, seeming to read his thoughts, "Sarah just said that I should look out for the home, than the garden. She doesn't care about nature. Only fame and wealth."
"Why was she invited to the royal ball?" Sherlock asked her.
"She was invited because of her job. Her job is being a Judge. She's one of 'the best' when really, she threatens them discreetly by being an anonymous person blackmailing them."
"Why haven't you told anyone?" Sherlock exclaimed, looking at her bewildered.
"Not only does she threaten people at her job," Melody whispered. "She threatens me as well. Saying if I do anything wrong, she'll kick me out of my own home, and make sure I don't go anywhere."
"Like she could do that." Sherlock scoffed.
"She can." Melody said. "She has people."
Melody started walking towards the house, making him go after her. He finally caught up with her, and placed his hand in hers for comfort. They finally reached the door, and Melody slowly unlocks the door, opening it. She got in first, only to be hit with a flying Dictionary. "Melody!" Sherlock yelped, going to her aid.
"How dare you!" Sarah's voice travelled through the dark hallway. "How dare you did this to me! You ungrateful, ugly, little - Oh!" Sarah's voice came closer, until she was a metre away, revealing herself in the light. Sarah finally noticed Sherlock. "Sherlock!" she exclaimed shocked. Sherlock glared at Sarah dangerously, before his attention turned back to his lover.
"Are you alright?" he asked her concerned.
"I-I'm fine." Melody mumbled. "I've had worse."
"What are you doing here!" Sarah exclaimed, like nothing ever happened.
"I am protecting Melody from you and your stupid daughters." Sherlock replied to her coldly. "Now if you will you excuse us, I am going to escort her to her room, and investigate her father's murder."

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