Chapter 11

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"So, your name is Melody?" Sherlock asked Melody, waiting for John to hail a taxi. The three of them stood outside the Library, waiting for a taxi. Melody and Sherlock were too busy getting to know each other more to help John find a taxi.
"Yeah." Melody nodded. "Melody Isobel Rose."
"Melody. . .Isobel. . .Rose." Sherlock tried, saying it slowly. "I like it."
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes." Melody tried. "I like it."
They smiled at each other, when Sherlock suddenly made a face of realisation. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "I almost forgot!"
Sherlock looked inside one of his pockets on his large coat, revealing a shoe. The shoe Melody wore at the Ball. "My shoe!" Melody breathed out, looking at it with wide eyes. The shoe meant a lot to her; it used to be her mother's.
Sherlock went down on one knee, looking up at her with a happy gleam in his eyes. "May I?" Sherlock motioned to her foot. "I just want to make sure -"
"I know." Melody giggled, blushing at the attention they were getting, with Sherlock kneeling on one knee with a shoe in his hands. Melody slipped her right shoe off, before holding it out to Sherlock. Everything was quiet around them, everyone around them watching, even some fans and papparazi people.
Sherlock grabbed her foot gently, before slowly slipping the shoe on.

It was a perfect fit. . .

Sherlock grinned, standing back up, cupping her cheeks. "I guess you are my Cinderella." Sherlock chuckled.
"And my High-functioning sociopath prince." Melody replied, before giving him a passionate kiss.
"You know what's been viral for the past thirty minutes?" Lestrade asked Sherlock when he, John, and his Cinderella arrived at Scotland Yard. Sherlock had made Melody stand behind him, wanting it to be a surprise.
"No, what?" Sherlock asked Lestrade, not interested at the topic.
"Me?" Sherlock asked confused.
"Yeah. You." Lestrade nodded. "There's photos of you putting a shoe on some chick."
"Yeah, that 'chick' was Mystery woman." Sherlock stated. He then stood to the side, revealing the said woman. Melody smiled shyly at Lestrade, holding her hand out to shake.
"Hi, I'm Melody Rose - aka, Mystery woman." Melody introduced herself.
"Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade." Greg said back, shaking her hand with a smile. "Glad to finally meet you. This sod hasn't been sane until he finally found you."
"Oh, don't be dramatic now, Gavin." Sherlock muttered, holding Melody's hand.
"It's Greg -"
"Sir, we have a dead body - oh!" Donovan entered the room talking, only to stop in surprise at the visitors. "Hello John, Freak."
"Freak?" Melody frowned at that, staring at Sherlock confused.
"She calls me that." Sherlock explained, which did not help the frown on her face.
"She calls you that?" Melody asked shocked. "And you just. . .let her?"
"Well, he is a freak." Donovan said, unaware of who she is talking to. "I'm Sergeant Sally Donovan. Nice to meet you."
"Wish I could say the same." Melody said dryly, glaring at her. Donovan finally noticed their locked hands.
"Are you two in some relationship?" Donovan asked shocked.
"Sally, this is Melody Rose, aka, Mystery woman." Sherlock explained, glancing down at Melody in worry. Melody was still glaring at Donovan.
"Oh!" Donovan realised. "You are the person Sherlock has been obsessed about!"
"Finding," Melody corrected. "He wasn't obsessed about me, he was finding me."
"Whatever." Donovan rolled her eyes. "Just know, that you are making a big mistake being his friend. He gets off at these kind of stuff. Doesn't have the ability to love either -"
"And you know this all by just insulting him ever since you met him?" Melody interrupted her, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" Donovan said confused.
"It's obvious you hate him. And people usually insult other people because they are jealous of them. I would know." Melody said. "You are just jealous that he can solve cases faster than you lot. You should appreciate what he does, because he has probably saved over one hundred people from getting killed by these criminals."
Everyone was silent, staring at the woman in shock. And just to make them more surprised, Melody added one more thing to say. "Also, I love Sherlock very much, so if I hear you insult him one more time you will have to meet my bad side. And you know what they say; the quiet ones are always the dangerous ones. I'm going to wait outside, goodbye Greg."
"Well," Sherlock said, snapping everyone out of their shock after she left. "I did say she cares a lot about the ones she love. I'm going to check on Melody, see you later!"
"Wait, aren't you gonna help us -"
"The murder was a mistake, you can clearly see how he died. You should check in the river nearby the crime scene, you'll see what happened." Sherlock said, interrupting Lestrade. "Like I said; I'm going to check on Melody now."
"She's bitter. Just like you." Donovan said, before he could leave.
"Bitterness is a paralytic. Love is a much more vicious motivator." Sherlock said, finally leaving.
Melody waited outside Scotland Yard, guilt eating inside her. She didn't mean to snap at Donovan, but she didn't like it that she insults Sherlock, while he doesn't do anything about it. He was right; people think of him as a freak already, it wouldn't be a surprise if he was crazy - which he isn't.
"Hey." a voice said from behind her. Melody jumped in shock, turning around to see it is just Sherlock. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Sherlock said with a small grin.
"It's okay." Melody breathed out, leaning on his chest since he was behind her. Sherlock slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, hesitantly resting his chin on her hair. Sherlock didn't know what to do in relationships; it wasn't in his area until now. It seemed to him he was doing the right thing, since she placed her hands over his and leaned closer to him. Sherlock felt a familiar feeling inside him like he felt at the Royal Ball. He felt a warm feeling whenever they are close. He liked being close with her, something he never felt for anybody.
"I'm sorry that I snapped earlier in the building." Melody said, snapping Sherlock back to the present. "She just made me so mad and -"
"It's okay." Sherlock chuckled, placing a small kiss on her head. "I didn't mind. She is really annoying."
"Oh. Good." Melody mumbled, making him chuckle again.
"Oh Melody," Sherlock murmured. "You are too good for me."

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