Chapter 22

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Sherlock watched Melody sleep on the couch from his armchair, his hands steepled under his chin. John sat in his own armchair, watching Sherlock. After tending to Melody's wounds, John recommended sleep for her, making Sherlock carry her out to the living room so he could keep an eye out on her while trying to solve Melody's case quickly. Sherlock knew Sarah was smart, more smarter than he expected. He needed his plan to go well if he wanted Sarah and her daughters to leave Melody's life for good.
"I've never seen you look this worried for someone." John spoke up. Sherlock teared his gaze away from Melody and stared at John. "It's kind of refreshing. Reminds me that you're not a heartless bastard."
"Thanks?" Sherlock quirked a small smile before turning back to Melody.
"Did you know. . .that Melody was abused?" John asked him hesitantly. "Or did you just find out -"
"Just found out." Sherlock whispered, pain etched on his face. "I-I should've known that was happening - God, why didn't I? I'm getting slow. Emotions -"
"Hey, don't say that." John said sternly. "Emotions have nothing to do with you missing that deduction."
"You're right." Sherlock breathed out, shocking John a bit. "I didn't know because I didn't see any bruises on her or anything - until now, that is. Which means, Sarah hadn't abused her lately which is good."
"Good, good." John nodded. He then leaned forward on his seat, as if he was going to reveal a secret. "Are you really sure that Sarah murdered Melody's father?"
Sherlock stared at him right in the eyes, more serious than ever. "I swear on my life that Sarah is the murderer." Sherlock replied.
Melody woke up and felt her neck was stiff, making her groan and sit up slowly and try to soothe the pain. She then noticed Sherlock sitting in his armchair, his eyes closed. "Sherlock?" she whispered. Sherlock immediately opened his eyes and turned to her.
"How are you?" he asked her quietly.
"Fine," she winced when she tried to stretch her neck, "a bit sore, but fine."
"I should have placed you on my bed so you would sleep more comfortable." Sherlock muttered, secretly wishing he had listened to John. "But I needed to keep an eye on you -"
"It's okay." Melody told him with a small smile. She then accidentally glanced at the mirror above the fireplace, her smile falling from her face at the sight of her form. There were bruises on her face and she had a split lip. She was also getting a black eye on her right eye.
Ignoring Sherlock's stare, Melody slowly got up and lifted her shirt, revealing more bruises on her. It was silent between the two. "I'm sorry." she whispered. "I'm sorry you have to see me so broken."
"Melody -"
"Where's John?" she asked him, changing the subject. "I remember seeing him here."
". . .he went to check on Mary and Amelia." Sherlock said slowly. He watched as she moved closer to the mirror, her shirt still pulled up. "Melody. . ."
"What do you see in me?" she blurted out. "W-why do you like me? I'm just a girl that shouldn't exist."
"Don't say that." Sherlock said sharply. "Don't you dare say that."
"But -"
"No Melody, listen to me." Sherlock stepped behind her, standing close to her form she could feel his body heat. Melody slightly shivered at the closeness. "These injuries," Sherlock motioned to them, "they are battle wounds. Seeing you up here standing, is very strong of you. You've been abused by her for so long but here you are, still kind to people and have the decency to love me."
Sherlock then started to unbutton his shirt, standing beside her now, still staring at her through the mirror. He opened it widely to reveal his own battle scars. Melody's eyes widened at the sight, her heart stuck in her throat. He had scars all over his abdomen from what seemed to be whips and burns. It broke Melody's heart.
"I got these in the two years of my fake death." Sherlock told her. "This was all from trying to dismantle Moriarty's Network for John, Lestrade, and Mrs Hudson's safety." Sherlock gave her a small, sincere look of love. "Now it's for you." he whispered. "If I didn't finish my mission, I wouldn't have ever met you. I'd like to think that this was. . .fate for me." Sherlock tore his eyes away from her and instead stared into his eyes from the mirror. "I used to think I had no one for me in this world." Sherlock revealed. "I'm a high-functioning sociopath, that was rude and arrogant to everyone. There was a huge chance that I wouldn't get anyone like John has with Mary. I thought I was simply a tool for the police to solve crimes. . .not that I don't like to or anything." Sherlock turned to Melody's silent form. "I'd like to think that you are still here because you had faith that someone will come and save you from your step-mother and sisters." Sherlock turned to her fully. "I'd like to think that you waited for someone like me to save you." Sherlock looked away embarrassed, realising he had said too much. "I'm sorry -"
"Yes." Melody's voice came through. "Yes I -" her voice cracked, "I was waiting for someone to save me. Waiting for you." Melody released a small weak laugh. "Here I am complaining about getting a few bruises when you have been through hell, getting tortured all because you were trying to look after your loved ones."
"It's okay." Sherlock told her, bringing her into a hug that startled the two. "You've been through so much, with your parents death, the abuse, not having a chance to live your life. . .that's something you don't take lightly."
"Thank you." Melody said against his bare chest, her hands lightly tracing over some of his scars. "Thank you for assuring me with your words."
"You're welcome." Sherlock said. "I never knew I could comfort someone so easily without being awkward." Melody released out a genuine laugh. Sherlock then remembered something. "Melody," he whispered in her ear, his hold on her tightening in anticipation, "are you ready to hear my plan on getting Sarah?"

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