Chapter 24

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"Tell me now!"


"Tell me who you're working with!"
"No one, I swear!" Melody cried, her lip bleeding from the impact that was sent to her. Sarah scoffed at her answer.
"What, so you were randomly wearing a mic with you?" she asked sarcastically. "We're not stupid, you know!" she sneered. "There's a reason why no one knew about your stupid father's death until now!" Melody's face darkened at the insult on her father.
"He is not stupid!" she hissed. "He loved you! He took care of your daughters like they were his own!"
"Sure." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Do you know what he would talk about when we met? 'Melody this' or 'Melody that' or 'She's just like her mother! So beautiful and kind'. It disgusts me!" She started pacing around Melody's tied up form. "You know when your father and I got married, I hoped he would forget all about you and just focus on my daughters and I. But no; when we came back from the honeymoon, he instantly went to you instead and hung out with you!"
"He's my biological father!" Melody cried. "Of course he'd miss me!"
"Whatever." she scoffed. "So anyway, I had to do what I do. Kill him." Despite already knowing it, it still made Melody feel betrayal and pain, tears gathering to the brim. "Another good thing about it was the money he had. Now that he is dead, all his riches are passed down to me - not that I don't have any money, but let's face it; I can't live without money. I need to make sure I am a millionaire before I die or anything."
"You. . .you monster!" Melody screeched, struggling in her chair. Sarah tutted and suddenly held out a knife.
"I always wanted to do this." Sarah said. "Kill you. I don't know why I haven't done it yet." She turned her murderous gaze from the knife to Melody. "Better late than never."



He paced around the waiting room, biting at his nails nervously. John sat at a chair in the waiting room, talking to Mary quietly through the phone about what happened. Two hours. It's been two hours ever since she's been pulled into the surgery room. What's taking them so long? It was just a stab to the stomach, right?
Sherlock remembered clearly what happened two hours ago when they went to save Melody.

"FREEZE!" Lestrade yelled; he, Sherlock and John piling into the attic. Sarah, and her two daughter quickly went into action. Sarah lifted Melody into her arms, wrapping one arm around her neck while the other with the knife stayed at her throat. The daughters squealed loudly at the sight of being aimed at, cowering behind their mother in fear. Sherlock rolled his eyes at the action. "Sarah, put the gun down." Lestrade said sternly, his tone never wavering.
"It's over." John agreed.
"Let Melody go." Sherlock said calmly.
"No!" Sarah snarled. "Do you have any idea how much of a burden she is? All her father ever spoke of was just 'Melody this!' or 'Melody that!' What about me? What about my daughters?"
"Now that's just selfish." Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Of course her father would dote on her, she is the one thing in his life that brightens his day. The fact that she reminds him of his former wife, and how amazing she is."
"Always. . ." one of the sisters murmured, anger laced in her voice. "It's always about her! How amazing she is, how wonderful - it's annoying!"
"Well, if you did something nice and productive, maybe you would be spoken highly." Sherlock snapped impatiently.
"Sherlock. . ." John warned.
"Why. . ." Melody whispered, "why did you kill him?"
"He was useless." Sarah waved off. "Too busy doting on you. He needed to be gone if I am to have the money and house."
"He loved you!" Melody yelled enraged.
"No he didn't!" Sarah hissed. "Because of you I didn't have a full-time husband. Because of you my daughters don't have a father! No. . ." she chuckled darkly. "I shouldn't have killed him. I should have killed you."
"Sarah. . ." Lestrade warned, tightening his hold on his gun. "Sarah put the knife down."
"You are a disgrace!" Sarah hissed to Melody, moving the knife to her stomach. "Tell your father I said hi."
"Sarah, put the gun down!" Sherlock yelled, panic lacing into his voice. His hand tightened around the gun.
"I'll see you in hell." Sarah hissed. And before the three men could do anything, Sarah plunged the knife into Melody. Melody gasped, her face paling in seconds.
"NOOOOO!" Sherlock yelled. On reflex, he pulled the trigger on his gun, aimed at Sarah. Sarah fell to the ground, and her daughter's started screaming. Sherlock paid no mind to them and quickly dashed to Melody's side. "Melody? Melody, stay with me!"
"Sherl. . .Sherlock. . ." Melody gasped out, coughing up some blood. "Sher. . .lock. . ."
"You're going to be fine, okay?" Sherlock assured her. "You're going to be fine. Look, everything is over. Sarah's gone. Her daughters are getting locked away. The house is yours now, yeah?" Sherlock placed a kiss on her forehead. "You're finally free."
"Sherlock. . ." Melody whispered, a small smile forming on her face. "Love. . .you. . ."
"Melody?" Sherlock panicked. "Come on, stay awake -"
"Sherlock. . ." she whispered again. "I. . .love you."
"I love you too." Sherlock said back, scared that maybe this was the last time they were ever going to see each other. Might as well confess his love for her while he was at it. "I love you too, Melody - Christ, I have never felt this happy before you came." Sherlock leaned his forehead against hers, closing his eyes tightly. "I love you. . .Melody?" Sherlock pulled away and was horrified at the sight of her eyes closed. "Melody! Melody, wake up -

"Melody Rose?"
"Yes?" Sherlock snapped his gaze to the doctor. He quickly hurried to him, John close behind. "Is she okay?"
The doctor sighed, wiping his face tiredly. "Mister Holmes, Melody is. . ."

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