Chapter 8

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A week had passed since the incident, and they were still getting nowhere. Sherlock had asked Lestrade, but Lestrade answered saying their computers aren't working at the moment, Donovan had 'accidentally' spilt coffee on the machines. So they were getting nowhere. . .until Sherlock had an idea.
"Have an interview?" John said, repeating Sherlock's words. "Why would you want to have a bloody interview?"
"Because," Sherlock said, plucking a string on his violin gently. "I can tell the person to write in the paper what she looks like, making it easier for us."
"How?" John asked him.
"How? Mystery woman will then show up, revealing herself." Sherlock smiled proudly at his plan.
"I don't know. . ." John trailed off, making Sherlock look at John with narrowed eyes. "What if your fans do something crazy? Like try to look like your Mystery woman?"
"Obviously they'd do that." Sherlock sniffed, sitting down in his armchair. "But I can tell who is fake and who isn't."
"Okay then." John sighed, standing up. "I'm heading back to Mary, apparently next week she's going to give birth."
"Have fun." Sherlock said in a monotone voice, staring into space. John sighed in defeat, walking out of 221B. "Where are you, Mystery woman?" Sherlock wondered out loud. "Where are you?"
"Oh my God!" Melody whispered, staring at the papers with wide eyes. On the front cover was Sherlock's straight face, along with an interview he apparently had.
Today, I, Eleanor Townsand, got to give Sherlock an interview. I asked him why he wanted an interview, and his exact words were, "I want to have this interview so a certain Mystery woman can see this.".
I obviously asked him questions about this 'Mystery woman', but all he said was that she was kind, beautiful, and always tries to think of the good in people. He explained he couldn't find her after a week, and would like us to help him find his Mystery woman. "Do you know what she looks like?" I asked him. Sherlock had nodded.
"She has long brown hair, that is really shiny, she has pale skin like snow, she's an average height for a woman, and she has these eyes that always gets me in a trance. Her eyes were a shade of gold. It was really beautiful, it looked like gold liquid going around in her eyes. It was almost impossible to believe. But like I said, she is a beautiful woman, she would have something like this."
I asked him if she was probably wearing contacts, but he shook his head immediately.
"No," he had said immediately. "Her eyes were too full of emotion to be fake."
After that, he said the interview was over and left. But he didn't leave before he told me to post the description of her. Mystery woman, if you are reading this, please go to Sherlock Holmes, he really loves you.
Interview by Eleanor Townsand.

Melody went outside to buy some food, when something caught her attention. Most of the women there looked like her. They had pale skin, brown hair obviously died, and they had gold eyes. "What the hell?" she wondered out loud. She quickly grabbed her groceries, giving it to the cashier.
"Ah, I see," the cashier man grimaced. "You look like that for Sherlock, hey."
"WHAT! I mean, no. This is my true self." Melody rushed out with wide eyes.
"Yep, sure." he said sarcastically.
"I'm serious! I don't even want Sherlock to know about me!"
"Wait, so you are the Mystery woman?" the cashier man whispered to her with wide eyes.
"Um. . .no." she said unconvincingly.
"You are!" he gasped.
"Can I just have my food and pretend we never met?" Melody said urgently, looking around hoping they weren't catching any attention.
"Here, you can have them for free." he said. Melody said a small shocked thanks, before leaving the shop immediately, unaware that the man brought his phone out to call a certain detective. . .
"She was here?" Sherlock asked the cashier man.
"Yeah, but she wanted to leave immediately when I found out. Actually, she wanted to leave before she even came to me." the cashier man answered.
"Right, thank you David." Sherlock nodded, before walking out of the store to a waiting John. "Mystery woman goes here frequently." John told him. "I asked the other staff and they know her. They see her all the time buying food."
"This must be her comfort zone." Sherlock concluded. "We find a Library nearby, and look for her from there. Why did she want to leave early, though?"
"Um Sherlock, look around you." John motioned to everyone, mainly the women. "They all look like her. She would obviously be creeped out by seeing them."
"Good point." Sherlock nodded. "Come on, let's go."
"MELODY ROSE, COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" Melody cringed at the anger in her step-mother's voice, and hesitantly went to the living room. There, in the room was her step-mother sitting in her dead mother's armchair, her two step-sisters on either side of their mother.
"Yes, Sarah?" Melody asked her. Sarah revealed the recent papers, making Melody freeze.
"Do you know anything about this?" Sarah asked her calmly, pointing at Sherlock's face.
"No. . ." Melody said slowly.
"Really?" Sarah mused. "Because it kind of looks like he is describing you."
"There must be other people that look like me." Melody lied. "Have you seen the women outside, they have the same looks as me."
"Because they're trying to look like you." Sarah sneered. The two step-sisters scoffed, looking at Melody with disgust.
"I don't see what Sherlock looks in her." Miranda sniffed.
"Me neither." Meredith added.
"It is not me!" Melody exclaimed, trying to convince them.
"Here is what you are going to do." Sarah said, like Melody never spoke. "You are to give us the dress, the mask, anything you wore that night, and get either of my daughters dressed in it."
"WHAT!" Melody cried out.
"This is punishment, you mistake. How dare you go to the Royal Ball and steal a detective's heart, when you know your sisters love him."
"You just want him for the popularity!" Melody cried, stepping away from them.
"So what? You'll be able to leave our presence, quickly." Sarah said innocently.
"When we become famous." the two evil daughters added, cackling.
"You three are sick!" Melody choked out, before retreating to her room.

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