Chapter 1

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  ( No one's  p.o.v )

It was like any other day Mikey, Donnie, raph  and Leo were on patrol " hey guys I see some of those foot guy dudes" Mikey said

" yea but why are they out so late in the night ( they went on a night patrol ) , which reminds me we should head back to the lair " Leo said noticing that the sun was almost down

" yea let's get the heck out of here I'm exhausted" raph said eager to leave

" it would really be the smartest option " said Donnie already walking with Mikey behind

The four turtles head back to the lair as fast as they can, they had made it to the sewers

" hey bros wanna hear a joke " Mikey said excitedly

" Mikey this is your ninth joke I don't wanna hear it " raph said angrily

" ok finee" Mikey said a little annoyed

" thank god you were really annoying me" raph said clearly trying to get a reaction out of Mikey

" hey it was just going to be a joke " Mikey pouted

" yea one by the most annoying turtle ever" raph said jokingly

This got Mikey so angry he started kicking rocks one of those rocks actually hit raph in the back making him fall over flat on his face

" ahg! Ow err I'm going to kill you Mikey" raph said furious

Raph came over to we're Mikey was and started yelling " dude chill it was an accident!" Mikey said backing up " you are going to pay " raph said no longer joking " bro I didn't mean to-" Mikey was cut off from raph smacking his head harder then he has in years. Mikey was in tears form the hard impact but raph didn't seem to care he kept yelling at Mikey and calling him names until Donnie came

" raph quit it " yelled Donnie as he hugged Mikey

" Donnie's right raph you need to be nicer to Mikey I mean he is an idiot but it was an accident " Leo said

" I'm not An idiot" Mikey mumbled with somehow Donnie hearing this

" let's just go back to the lair master splinter is probably worried about us " Donnie said

" whatever let's go, and Mikey " raph said

" what raph" Mikey said still hurt

" you're grounded " raph said walking away next to Leo far ahead

" wh-WHAT " Mikey exclaimed clearly confused on how he was grounded and raph wasn't " he can't do that!" Mikey shouted

" we'll he is the second oldest technically he can" Donnie said a bit disappointed, Mikey pouted and did a sad groan

" I'm sorry Mikey " Donnie said trying to comfort Mikey best he can

" can't you ungrounded me or something" Mikey said

" no I can't remember when we were little" Donnie said

Mikey thought until he remembered a time they were kids

( flashback)

" now my sons when I am gone I need a new role model for you all someone who will make the rules and act like a full parent" past splinter said

" I want to do it! " yelled little raph

" but I should do it I'm the oldest!" Little Leo complained

" yes well it is a tough choice " splinter said " you are the oldest leo but raph is the strongest mmm... it will both" splinter said

" yay!!!" Both little raph an Leo yelled

( end of flashback)

" oh yea master splinter made then like are third parents or something " Mikey said

" exactly, and sadly you are the youngest so you couldn't and I was the second youngest " Donnie said a feeling of disappointment

" but you're my older brother " Mikey said

" we'll things might not be fair but hey least you can do your own stuff once in awhile" Donnie said trying to lighten up the mood

" your right i guess, thanks don " Mikey said

" no problem m'y ( m'y is a nickname for Mikey) " Donnie said happily

" heh I gu-" Mikey was cut off


" ugh...WERE COMING " Donnie said looking at Mikey

" let's go Mikey " Donnie said walking away

" coming bro " Mikey said walking with Donnie

" what took you two so long " Leo questioned

" nothing let's just go " Donnie said

" mmm well let's go " Leo said

" my feet are starting to hurt " Mikey sighed

" we should be there in two minutes and 39 seconds " Donnie said

" why's so specific dude" Mikey chuckled

" it lets me clear my mind " Donnie said

" we're here " Leo announced

" ugh finally " Raph exclaimed

" Aw man " Mikey mumbled

" what's wrong Mikey " Donnie whispered

" I'm grounded remember " Mikey wined

" we'll it won't be so bad " Donnie reassured

" it's gonna be a nightmare " Mikey pouted

" I mean yes for you but.. um..uhh you'll still have your comics.. I think " Donnie quizzed

" urggh! " Mikey yelled

" hey what's wrong Mikey, why are you yelling? Are you ok? What happened " Leo exclaimed worried

" I-ugh, nothing Leo I'm fine " Mikey said pouting angrily at such a thing

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