Chapter 5

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( Donnie's pov )

Me and Leo and Raph we're trying to fix Mikey's door while trying to be as quiet as possible but it's kind of hard to be quiet when the only tool that I know can fix a door is a hammer with nails or a drill and we did not have a we had to use a flipping drill which was a loud as heck

" hey.. what are we going to do when he wakes up" Leo asked me

" we'll maybe-"

" we're going to talk to him " Raph interrupted me

" yeah-and next time let me talk " I shoved him in a playful way

" I know we should talk to him will I-we say " Leo said, I could here he was stressed

" we'll um I don't know " i confessed

" mmm " I could here Raph mumble

" what is it " I asked him

" it's just-HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO HIMSELF-" Raph yelled

" shhh!" I could here Leo interrupted Raph

" stop yelling " I said pointing to Mikey

" ..."

Raph was always loud even as a child he would ether be way WAY to loud or conserningly silent and now he's switching those emotions. I could feel the room getting tense so I tried to lighten the mood believe it or not I'm the most cheerful next to Mikey so it hopefully would work

" hey uh wanna hear a..joke " I asked the two

" what? " Raph asked me

" I mean we'll it's getting a little tense in here I kinda want to lighten the mood or something" I responded

" mmm sure go for it " Leo said

" ok uhm what's-no why did the- no i mean uhh oh got it why was six afraid of seven " I said

" why " Leo and Raph said in unison

" because seven ate nine hahaha do you get it " I laughed
" that was worse than Mikey jok-....that was a terrible joke " raph sputtered

" hey Mikey told me that one " I argued because I honestly thought Mikey's jokes we're flipping hilarious even tho I don't really show how funny they are

" heh well makes sense.." Raph sighed

" I'm almost done with the door " Leo called out

( Leo's pov )

I could hear the two talking about Mikey and Donnie's joke and what-not, I guess I was the only one focused on the door i had almost got done patching the door with more wood so I called out to them " I'm almost done with the door " they both nodded at me and then stared at the door " mmm and it's done " I said " it's not the best but it will do " Donnie said to me
I was a bit irritated when Donnie said that it's not like he help that much like I did but I kept to myself " come on guys let's leave, we can talk to Mikey in the morning " I say " just hold on let me do something " Donnie said as he than quickly took of Mikey's lock on his door. " was that really necessary " I said to Donnie " yes " he replied to me than opened the door holding it for me to walk through " hey Raph you coming " I say " ugh " was all Raph mumbled.

Raph's pov

I saw the two leaving when Leo asked if I was coming I mumbled a simple groan and turned around to face Mikey my sweet sleeping brother I didn't say I was staying with Mikey but my silence must of spoken for me because Leo and Donnie left the room and left me, I grabbed a chair that was on the other side of the room and sat down still staring at Mikey I was not going to take my eyes off him until we got to the bottom of this stupid case I heard him squirm in his bed it looked like he was having a nightmare so I did the only second oldest brother thing to do and I lay down on his bed next to my brother I didn't want to go to sleep but a soon as I laid down he stopped stirring and fell back into his peaceful slumber I thought he was good for now so I went out of his room to get some water for myself when I did I saw well more heard Donnie making some invention I. His lab and I could hear Leo getting ready for bed in his room I drank my water and went back to Mikey's room when I was going in there I could here Donnie cursing but not really he would cures in Spanish to keep Mikey from saying it to and so Leo would not scold him his favorite Spanish curse was pothole or something I didn't take Spanish lessons from splinter like he did, I went back to Mikey's room and sat back down on the chair.

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