Chapter 12

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" oh my.." Casey couldn't believe what he heard

" yeah..we already..well over it " Leo said

" I mean like I would assume " Casey said

" yeah..but now me and Mikey are trying to calm down and meditate " Leo said

" hey um where's Raph and Donnie " Casey asked

" oh well there talking bout stuff.." Mikey said

" huh what stuff, you never told me about anything going on between them" Leo said a bit angry

" I don't have to tell you everything " Mikey mumbled silently

" what was that Mikey? " Leo said angrily

" nothing.." Mikey spoke

" umm excuse what's going on " Casey said breaking the tension between the two brothers

" nothing Casey " Mikey said

Mikey stood up and walked out the dojo

" hey where are you going! " Leo said

" im getting some food " Mikey said as he left

" s-should I like go back to red's house or should I stay? W-what's going on exactly?" Casey asked

" I..I don't know " Leo said

As mikey left he saw Raph and Donnie walking towards Donnie's lab and shutting the door behind them, Mikey thought they were just now going in to talk he brushed off the thought and walked to the kitchen to grab his snack

Mikey opened the fridge door to find some pizza and..just pizza, Mikey then grabbed a slice of pizza and sat down at the dining table

With Raph and Donnie

" ok so we're talking now " Raph said

" yeah..ok so when we-I mean me and Mikey were showing you know reacted like a-a child and you hurt Mikey more then whatever he did to himself " Donnie explained

" I's just well if you were in my position you would act the same way " Raph said

" i assure you I wouldn't but ugh you- next time that something like what Mikey showed you happens again I don't think you acting like he just tried to commit freaking s-....the death thing-but what I'm saying is you kinda overreacted a bit " Donnie said

" overreacted!?" Raph gasped

" let me finish, you did overreact but I'm not saying you should have acted like it was normal but you need to understand that Mikey felt hurt the way you acted and what you did was wrong he felt really bad, I know you were just worried about Mikey and his mental stability but his emotional stability matters too " Donnie said

"...I know trust me I know but i only acted like that because I was just a bit worried and scared..he's my little brother and I care for him even if I don't show it as much as he would want me to..but I only was being cautious " Raph said

" I understand we're your coming from Raph but still you need to be more careful around Mikey he's a sensitive person " Donnie said

" I know what you mean I'll..I'll try to be more careful when I'm confronting Mikey about something " Raph said

" that's good Raph but now when you see Mikey again please just apologize for what you did " Donnie said

" yeah I'll do that I promise " Raph said

" good " Donnie smiled

Donnie and Raph then shook hands in a formal way then walked out of the lab to see Mikey sitting down on the table eating some pizza in the fridge

Hey sorry guys this chapter wasn't that good or detailed but I promise to get better ! Have a good day or night bye 👋

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