Chapter 11

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" so now what " Mikey asked

" I don't know, you want to meditate or something " Leo suggested

" eh sure why not " Mikey smiled

" ok let's start with some calm sitting postures first " Leo said

" ok Leo " Mikey said

With Raph and Donnie

Donnie's pov

I had just sent Mikey away so he can calm down with Leo I haven't heard crying yet or screaming so Leo's probably just making Mikey meditate or something, now I gotta talk to Raph.
I knocked on Raph's door and nothing, it's not like he's not in there I can hear him he just won't come out which is very annoying. Knock I'm still knocking and- he answered

" what Donnie!? " Raph yelled at me

" oh shut up I need to talk to you about how your acting towards Mikey "

" what do ya mean how I'm acting! He's the one we should be talking about, did you forget what he did to himself!? " Raph yelled

" no i didn't, and i honestly don't want to forget now shut up and talk to me! "

" id rather die then talk to you and I don't want to talk to or about him until he gets to his senses and acts not all- like-like- THIS! " Raph burst out

" stop! Just stop it Raph I'm going to talk to you and it's going to be about Mikey whether I have to force you or not "

" ha! Force someone as weak as you can't make me do anything! " Raph laughed

" oh don't you make me Raph..."

" make you do wh- " Raph stopped

I just hit Raph in the head with my stick really hard...he deserved it he's being so immature right now and he was being stubborn..did I hit him to hard? He's not getting up..he's just on the floor? Did I knock him out or is he...oh no

" Raph! Raph! Wake up!! Wake up! Please I'm sorry! "

" ugh...what happened?.." Raph winced

" Raph! Oh my goodness your ok! Thank the gods "

" what? What do you mean " Raph asked

" ..I hit the head with my staff " I said pointing to my staff

" you- you hit me " Raph asked again

" yeah...Raph I'm sorry I-"

" it's ok I'll talk now " Raph said as he hugged me

"...ok?...ok Raph let's talk this out "

Me and Raph went into my lab

With Leo and Mikey because yes
No one's pov

" this is relaxing isn't it Mikey...Mikey? " Leo said


" Mikey are you listening to me-..oh " Leo said

There Mikey was still in his meditation position but asleep

" oh ok then I know how to get you up..MIKEY PIZZA TIME!!! " Leo yelled

" AHH WAA HUH PIZZA? " Mikey startled up awake

" hahahha! No we don't got pizza right now Mikey hahahah! " Leo chuckled

" heyyyy rude! not cool dude! Never trick me with pizza..EVER " Mikey yelled

" ahah I'm sorry Mikey haha it haha was the only way to wake you-hahaha!" Leo burst out laughing

" oh man..leoooo stopp " Mikey winned

" I'm sorry Mikey haha c'mon let's meditate some more " Leo said

" fine fine but your getting me pizza later k' " Mikey said sternly

" of course little brother now come on stop wasting time little bro " Leo said

" ok ok " Mikey said with a smile

Leo and Mikey went back to meditating until there was a sound of someone coming into the lair

" what's that sound? " Leo said to himself

" uhhhhh" Mikey mumbled

There was the infiltrator's footsteps coming closer and closer until...

" MIKEY! LEO, THERE YOU ARE!! " Casey said

" Aaaa! C-Casey?! What are you doing here " leo asked

" oh! I'm here cuz red or April or whatever she wants me to call her- i-im getting off track, earlier she told me what happened to Mikey and so as a good bro I came to check up on him but when I got here I couldn't find splinter or Donnie and I couldn't find Raph either so I just checked here and found you two " Casey explained

" wow umm well we-......oh master splinter I um " Leo couldn't speak he had almost forgotten about the incident

" master splinter? " Casey asked

" master splinter is d-dead " Leo said

" oh well then-WHAT!? " Casey said

" yeah..." Mikey mumbled

" is-I-what-how did that happen? " Casey asked

" well let me explain first just so you know we just guessed and predicted his cause of death but when we got back here we umm found him dead in here so-so we I mean me and Donnie and Raph analyzed his body then we found one of his A practice swords on the ground with blood on then so Donnie predicted that he accidentally stabbed himself so we just got rid of his body after that.." Leo explained

" and where was Mikey? " Casey asked

" in my room Donnie said it was for the best" Mikey said

A broken boy ( a tmnt Mikey angst story)Where stories live. Discover now