Chapter 10

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Donnie's pov

" ok so show me already! " Raph yelled

"" Mikey mumbled

Mikey lifted his arms to show Raph the situation for all this confusion and yelling

" what the freak is-is that...." Raph stammered

" look! I'm sorry ok just don't yell-" Mikey started


" wow Raph chill out let Mikey explain himself!"

" ha-hahahaha ar-are you SERIOUSLY TELLING ME TO CHILL!" Raph screamed

" yes! Now let him talk!!"

" Raph just wait! Please" Mikey begged

" oh no oh no no no you are not going to just show me t-this! And tell me not to freak out and-and-and CHILL " Raph yelled once more

" yeah apparently you are! You know how this is going to turn out! So just let us talk "

" ha! You want me to calm down and talk about this! " Raph said as he grabbed Mikey's arms for me to see once again

" l-let go! " Mikey cried

" NO I'll let go when I can understand why doing this was even in your mind! " Raph yelled

" Raph let Mikey go! "

" no!! " Raph beamed

" just act your age for once and maybe Mikey wouldn't of had to come to me and not you! "


" this is stupid c'mon Mikey it seems Raph doesn't know how to respond to actual emotions other than anger! "

I grabbed Mikey away from Raph's grasp and stormed off to my lab once we got there Mikey went into my spinning chair and rolled to a corner of the room, i felt so so bad I really thought Raph would handle this appropriately and not act like a child and in the worst's so stupid HECK even Leo handled it pretty well-kinda but still it's all very scary, I just want my brother back my wonderful, happy, funny, cheerful baby's brother back, I don't know what to do I mean I would expect raph to not be calm but I didn't expect him to do this..

" Donnie.." Mikey said to me

" huh! Oh umm yea Mikey "

" do you think Raph will You know let me explain this.." Mikey stuttered

" I-I don't know Mikey I'll try talking to him "

" thanks Donnie " Mikey smiled

" no problem, hey how about you go try to find Leo I remember him say that he was going to talk to April "

" wait April's still here? " Mikey asked

" uh yeah she went to the dojo so I think Leo's in there too with her "

" oh, ok! " Mikey said as he jumped up from my spinning chair

" ok just talk to Leo or something I-I'll talk to Raph right now "

" ok d " Mikey said as he hugged me than walked out of my lab

" we'll that's settled now I Gotta deal with..raph"


No one's pov

Mikey went over to the dojo where he found Leo and April in the middle of the room sitting down, when Mikey stepped in he could see April looking like a worried sister who just heard some bad news and Leo who looked like..well he looked like a straight up mess tbh but as soon as the two saw Mikey everything changed

" Mikey! " April yelled as she got up

" april um hi " Mikey said a bit ashamed

" Mikey what are you doing here don't you still have to talk with Raph " Leo said

" me and Donnie already did..he..didn't take it so well " Mikey explained

" oh I see.." Leo sighed

" um well donnie said that he was going back to talk to Raph and I should stay with you in the meantime " Mikey spoke

" oh yeah um yeah..c-come sit Mikey " Leo said

" I think I should leave " April said

" um yes, thanks April " Leo said

" see you guys later..stay safe..." April said as she was walking out the dojo and into the sewers

" so.." Mikey started

" well Mikey um listen what you showed me earlier was it was just petrifying and horrible to look at but..I want you to know that I've gotten over it and I'm ready to talk about it now if your ok with that " Leo said

" y-yeah I'm good to talk about it.." Mikey said

" good so why, why did you do it " Leo asked

" I was just..i don't know I was kinda trying to..convince myself I guess..." Mikey spoke

" what do you mean convince yourself what does that mean " Leo asked again

" I kinda wanted..I felt like I should have died since I was a screw up...and I just felt like it was for the was there to remind me that" Mikey stuttered

"...what...w-why would that even happen with you..I want to know still feel like that" Leo spoke

" I don't Leo " Mikey said

" good " Leo said

A broken boy ( a tmnt Mikey angst story)Where stories live. Discover now