Chapter 7

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"I hope you know that you're loved Mikey" Raph said

" I..I..I know guys " Mikey said

Leo embraced Mikey in the hug and Raph joined to until they were shocked by a loud yell " WHAT " it was April

" what do you mean Mikey hurt himself " April questioned as she walked to the living room

" April hold on-" Donnie paused

" hey if you didn't realize were trying to bond over here " Leo grumbled

" oh my Mikey are you ok! " April said running to Mikey and giving him a hug

" err oh hey April.." Mikey mumbled

" April could you " Donnie whispered while signaling her to move it

" oh ya.." April whispered as she walked away

" Mikey.." Donnie said

" hey d.." Mikey said

" so did you finally talk " Donnie asked

" mhmm" was all Mikey said

" well why.." Donnie said

" I-" Mikey stoped

" Mikey I'll tell him if you don't want to " Leo suggested

" can you?" Mikey said

" sure brother, Donnie! Let's talk in the kitchen " Leo called out

" ok Leo " Donnie said

Leo and Donnie went to the kitchen

( with the d and L Brothers )

" so why did he do it so " donnie started

" well he said he wanted to punish himself" Leo said

" punish? For what " donnie asked

" he said that it was because he was somewhat from why I can tell a mess up he told us he was the reason all of our missions are bad or end up failing he also said that his goofing off was bad and annoying he said he was annoying and that he was the problem of this family.." Leo said

" he said all that .." Donnie said

" he also said.." Leo said

" what, what did he say " Donnie questioned

" he said that it was his fault splinters dead" Leo confessed

" he still thinks that.." Donnie said

" yes..But we told him it wasn't his fault I think he finally realized that, me and Raph also told him that all those things he said about himself weren't true " Leo said with a small smile

" and I guess that's when you guys hugged and April ruined the entire thing " Donnie chuckled slightly

" wow Donnie I never expected you to say something that bad about April " Leo chuckled

" heh oh no " Donnie joked

" heh hehe " Leo laughed

" well I guess you guys got to give Mikey a hug it's my turn " Donnie announced

" yea I'm sure he'll love to hug his brother finally " Leo said

" yeah " Donnie said as he walked out of the kitchen to the living room

" Mikey!" Donnie yelled as he ran towards Mikey and hugged him

" Donnie!?" Mikey questioned

" I'm sorry you felt that way Mikey but I promise it's not true " Donnie whispered

"... I know Donnie.." Mikey said as he hugged his brother back

" I love you brother " Donnie said

" love you to " Mikey mumbled

" awww" April whispered to herself

" now, Mikey " donnie let go of his brother  " I  want you to promise me, promise all of us that you will NEVER harm yourself again " donnie said

" yeah I promise Donnie, I promise you all" Mikey said

" good now we can go to my lab " donnie said

" your lab? " Mikey questioned

" yes your.." donnie stopped "...cuts...they need to be cleaned and I have some stuff for them in my lab " donnie finished

" oh..ok bro " Mikey said

Donnie and Mikey went to thy lab and Donnie sat Mikey down on a table

" ok Mikey so this might sting a bit " donnie said taking off Mikey's bandages until..

" hey don c-can I do it instead " Mikey said

" what why? " donnie asked curiously

" I just wanted to do it myself " Mikey said turning his arm away from Donnie's grasp

" Mikey! What are you doing you don't know how to do this I do, why can't I do for you " donnie shouted

" I-I just don't want you to see them" Mikey said

" and why is that?" Donnie questioned

" I- it's just it's..not something you would wanna look at...." Mikey said

" what do you mean Mikey, of course I want to I have to help them heal " Donnie said

" I mean well it's just-" Mikey stopped

" no Mikey if there so bad for me to look at than I guess I'm a failure " Donnie said

" wha-what do you mean " Mikey asked

" I'm a failure at helping my only little brother " Donnie spoke

" n-no your not!" Mikey said

" than let me see your arms " Donnie said annoyed


" Mikey..I've had enough " Donnie said as he grabbed Mikey's arm and undid his bandages

" no wait Donnie!-" Mikey said

" what-what is th-this.." Donnie stuttered

Donnie was holding Mikey's arm looking at his cuts but his cuts were in words all of them the same word


All of his cuts were in the words die over and over every single one

"Why Mikey..."

A broken boy ( a tmnt Mikey angst story)Where stories live. Discover now