Chapter 4

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" Mikey " Donnie yelled

" what Donnie!" Mikey questioned

" di-did you" Donnie pointed to Mikey's arm

Leo saw Donnie's hand and followed were he was pointing until he saw what the question was about

" what did I do wha-..." Mikey saw Donnie was pointing at his arm and Mikey froze

" I-I n-no I mean I don't know what you mean" Mikey stuttered

" Michelangelo hamato ( I don't think I spelt his last name right sorry if it's spelled wrong) show me your arm right now " Leo demanded

" I-" Mikey stopped

" show me your arm now " Leo demanded again


" Mikey did you cut yourself..?" Donnie asked scared

" what no of course not..!" Mikey said trying to sound convincing

" Mikey please I won't be mad" Leo pleaded

" um..I-..ok.." Mikey said in defeat

" so d-did you " Donnie spoke his voice trembling

" ys done" Mikey mumbled

" what you say " Leo asked

" yes Donnie.." Mikey spoke

" why Mikey.." Leo exclaimed

" I-I don't know" Mikey said, his voice trembling

" if you didn't know than why did you!?" Donnie shouted

" I-"

" No Mikey why, why did you cut yourself!? Why would you do that to yourself!" Donnie screamed

" Donnie hold on !" Leo called to Donnie

Leo grabbed Donnie's shoulder as a sign to stop yelling at mikey but all the yelling was loud, loud enough to get Raph to come out

" HEY what's with all y'all's yelling!?" Raph called out walking to the three

" it's nothi-" Mikey was stopped

" Mikey cut himself!!" Donnie yelled

" what!?" Raph said

" yea he cut himself  !" Donnie said pointing at Mikey's arms

Raph walked over to Mikey really mad but not the mad that he's usually but disappointed mad

" what the fu** did you do your arm Mikey?!!" Raph yelled at Mikey

" I-um " Mikey stuttered

" Mikey I swear to the turtle gods if you cut your arm I will throw you off a building!!" Raph yelled

" not helping " Leo pointed out

" it doesn't matter! Mikey!" Raph called out


" oh no you are not about to go silent on me" Raph declared

" Mikey..why did you do it " Leo asked being the only calm one

" because it's my fault " mikey confessed

" what da hell are you talking about Mikey" raph asked

" mikey I swear if you still think it's your fault " Donnie shouted

" what, is there something I'm missing " Raph asked confused

" yes. A lot actually " Donnie replied

" we'll what's his fault " Raph asked looking at Mikey


" mikey " Raph said

" it's my fault.." mikey shuttered

" what's your fault " Raph said

" master splinters death " mikey announced

" what how is this your fault!?" Raph questioned

" it's not! " Donnie yelled

" it is tho! I was the reason we couldn't be here sooner! I was the reason he's dead! I'm the reason we always get in trouble! I'm the problem of this family!" Mikey screamed




" I know you all agree!" Mikey yelled

" no we don't! " Leo yelled

" what do you mean mikey ! This situation is not your fault " Raph argued

" it is! " mikey yelled

The turtles were in a state of shock it all happened so quickly first they see there father dead than there younger brother blames himself for it all and worst yet there young brother went to the extent and cut his arms, they never knew this situation would ever actually happen but it did and it was to them the brothers had been devastated.

" I'm sorry guys !" Mikey yelled slamming his door shut and locking it

" what..-hey! Open the door!" Raph yelled

" mikey please we can talk about this!" Leo cried

" Mikey open the door !" Donnie called out

There was no answer but the older turtles didn't just let their younger brother sit on his room probably harming his arms so they kept yelling for him to come out but the yelling soon turned into asking and soon into pleading but the young turtle had not opened the door nor said anything it had been almost twenty minutes and Raph had enough and kicked down the door almost making a hole he kept kicking and kicking than the door had a clear hole in it Which was somehow big enough to fit the turtles in but when they got in that expected a crying turtle on the ground but no the young turtle was in his bed asleep,snoring and turning , Leo went over to Mikey and laid a hand in his shoulder Leo turned around and say his comics in bed

" looks like he read my comics to sleep " Leo slightly chuckled

" yea guess so.." Raph concluded

" I-I think we should wait to talk to him in the morning " Donnie suggested

" yeah " Leo said

" let's go " Raph said walking through the hole In the door

" wait what are we going to do about that hole " Donnie said

" uhh we fix it? " Leo suggested

" ugh ok " raph complained

" ok raph" Leo chucked

A broken boy ( a tmnt Mikey angst story)Where stories live. Discover now