Chapter 9

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Raphs pov

What is happening!?

As I walked out of Donnie's lab the crying became louder and it definitely sounded like Leo's crying

I finally found them in the living room but what was going on

No one's pov

" hey what's going on!? " Raph yelled

" r-raph?! " mikey stuttered as he pulled his arms out of Raph's view

" what's with all the fricking crying " Raph called out

" Raph! " you weren't supposed to be out here ye-" Donnie was cut off

" Raph!! " yelled a crying Leo

" whoa..whoa what's going on?!" Raph yelled

" you- it's Mikey!" Leo yelled as he ran towards raph

" ahh- what's wrong with Mikey!" Raph yelled (wow so much yelling )

" look at his arms!!" Leo yelled

Raph looked at Mikey who was hiding his arms behind his back, raph walked up to Mikey about to order him to let him see his arms until Donnie came ( yay 😀 )

" Raph hold on we're still talking to Leo- Mikey's not ready to talk to you yet!" Donnie yelled

" I don't care " Raph screamed

" please stop yelling! All of you! " mikey snapped

"I-excuse me " Raph said

" all this yelling over something so stupid! Just stop it please! " mikey beamed

" Mikey! First of all this is not something stupid do you see what this 'stupid' mess has caused!? Leo's crying and Donnie's not acting like himself ! Heck you've changed to, this situation that you think is so stupid is because of you! You are the reason every thing is different! Just tell us what's wrong with you please we can help you I can help you so just stop and talk for once! " Raph yelled

" RAPH SHUT UP " Donnie screamed

" you shut up Donnie!" Raph yelled back

" no just go, you weren't even supposed to be here " Donnie argued

" yeah well sorry I care about people's well being " Raph yelled

" oh wow you caring that's new!" Donnie yelled

" what are you trying to say!?" Raph

" what am I trying to say!? I'm trying to say shut up! Just leave we're going to talk to you in a minute! Just go please " Donnie yelled

" you-I-FINE you know what I'll go! I'll leave and when I'm back I'm getting an explanation!" Raph yelled as he stormed to his room

" ugh he's so annoying! " Donnie yelled

" Donnie.." Leo said

" Leo! I- we still need to talk, I know what your seeing is terrible that's what I thought but just listen to Mikey please " Donnie pleaded

"..I..I can't..I'm going to talk with April t-this is just to much to process " Leo said as he ran towards the dojo where he found April with headphones wonder she didn't here the fight

Raphs pov

I slammed my bedroom door and sunk into my bed, why was all this happening why did it have to happen..why..I need answers! As soon as there done talking to leo I'm going to have them tell me what's happening and I mean have them I mean force them

" why is all this least your normal spike " I said as I pet my pet turtle

" I just want everything back to normal..I want to know what Mikey did to his arms-like I know he cut but they acted like it was worse than that..worse enough to make Leo cry...I just don't get it, do you spike "


" and you can't speak..right cuz your Not a mutant ugh maybe I can talk to April I think she went in the dojo or home or whatever, what do you think spike "


" don't talk huh maybe I'm going crazy..mhm "


" yeah bud you just keep eating your leaves while I think about this "

*chomp chomp *

" what's that spike? "

*chomp chomp chomp *

" you think I should barge in the living room and make Mikey tell me what's wrong? Chomp once for yes chomp twice for no "

*chomp chomp chomp*

" three? Mmm uhh try again spike "


" ohh yes I should make Mikey tell me thanks spike I can always count on you to make the right decisions in my life "

*chomp chomp*

" I'll take that as a your welcome "


" your right spike if there's anyone who can help Mikey it's me an't I right I mean we're like the closest he would definitely talk to me "

*chomp chomp *

"..*sigh* what am I doing.. I'm talking to my pet turtle about my brother issues..I need a break, this is to stressful"

*knock knock *

" huh who's there "

" it's Donnie and Mikey " Donnie said from the other side of the door

" oh-ohh Ahh ok ok I'm going!!"

I opened the door to see Mikey and Donnie standing there waiting for me

" I want you to talk right now Mikey "

" just-please don't yell.." Mikey said to me

" just show me first now"

" ok.." Mikey said

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