Chapter 8

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" why Mikey..." Donnie whispered

" I- I knew it! I told you you didn't want to see them! " Mikey said

"'s just wh-why the frick did you do this !? " Donnie yelled

" I just- I don't know I'm the problem I-I deserved to die it's a reminder! It's a message to me I should just g-go an-and i-I'm it was a sign to show I'm a Mistake! " mikey yelled back

Those last words broke Donnie in into a million pieces

Donnie's pov

I can't believe what I'm hearing did my brother really just say that did he just say he was a mistake, this has to be a nightmare..but it wasn't I was really witnessing my brother saying and doing this I couldn't hold it in any more I broke down tears running down my face as I was crying I could see Mikey's face his face looked of sorrow and regret I knew he blamed himself so I stopped crying as best as I could and hugged Mikey his reaction was him being confused but it then turned into understandment than he cried into my arms and just than someone or some people came in and ruined it...geez can I not just hug my brother in peace

" ay we heard crying what's going on!?" Leo said as he walked in my lab

" what the hell happened!!" Raph yelled at me

" ugh come onnnn can I not just gave Mikey a hug in peace!" I yelled

" o-oh your having those sorry?" Leo said sheepishly

" yeah ya did ya bunch of potholes " I yelled

" what does potholes mean?" Mikey asked teary eyed

" um yeah what does it mean " Leo asked

" oh you don't want ta know " raph chuckled

" and how bout not saying it " I said

" uhm.. ok " Leo said

" sure d " Mikey said still hugging me

" so um why were you guys crying-were they like happy tears " Leo asked

" well um kinda.." I said still hugging Mikey

" what do ya mean 'kinda' " Raph asked me and Mikey

" ..." Mikey said nothing and just looked down

" well I think it would be better if you told them Mikey..." I said

" Mikey? " Leo said as he came closer to us

" c-can I talk to you all..separately.." Mikey mumbled

" o-ofc Mikey " Leo said sounding rushed

" yeah little bro.." Raph said surprisingly calm

" ok " Mikey said

" should I go " I whispered to Mikey

" no please stay " Mikey whispered

" ok Mikey " I said

No one's pov

" can I talk to Leo first " Mikey said

" yeah Mikey do you wanna go to the living room or something " leo said

" yes " Mikey said as he walked out of the room with leo  and Donnie following

" so whats wrong Mikey " leo asked

" I did something- that I totally regret! " mikey said yelling that last part

" what? What did you do " leo asked

" this.." Mikey said as he raised his arms

" what..." leo whispered

" w-why what is this..." Leo said terrified

" this is what my cuts look like..I-I'm sorry" Mikey mumbled

Leo stared at the cuts all he could see were the words die over and over again it was heartbreaking it was terrifying it was terrible, all leo could think about was 'why' it was a horrible experience leo was in shock it was horrible to look at some of the cuts looked new and even old but they were very deep cuts the only reason you wouldn't be able to see them was if you had bandages on , this experience was so petrifying Leo started crying and breathing heavily

Raphs pov

I was still stuck in Donnie's stupid lab it was so boring I mean how long does it take to talk to someone

" this is so boring why am I even stuck here it's been like five minutes or whatever.. I'm seriously annoye-"

I heard crying again why was there more crying but it sounded like..Leo's crying? Why would Leo be crying are they happy tears-no they sound so sad what the freak was happening

A broken boy ( a tmnt Mikey angst story)Where stories live. Discover now