Chapter 2

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"Are you sure Mikey " Leo asked

" yea yea " mikey mumbled

" geez I was just making sure you were ok" Leo said firmly

" and I said I was fine" mikey said

Leo knew mikey was mad but he didn't like when he was mad or sad or anything out of the ordinary so he kept a close eye on Mikey as they kept walking, Leo noticed mikey was walking close by Donnie he knew they were close as brothers but Mikey only walked by Donnie so close when he was sad Leo knew something was wrong and he was determined to find out what

" HEY SPLINTER " Raph yelled

" huh it seems he's not here at the moment" Leo examined

" then we're could he be, it's not often or really ever that master splinter is out, only when he's getting stuff for his morning tea or ingredients for Mikey to cook with " Donnie exclaimed

" I'll check the dojo " Leo said walking away

" ugh I'm hungry, Mikey make us some breakfast " raph said grumpily

" could you make us breakfast please Mikey" Donnie exclaimed

" I'm pretty tired can I do it in a couple minutes, or hours" Mikey whispers that last part to himself

" Mikey your the only one who can cook we can't and I'm hungry so do you mind " Raph argued

" Raph just let Mikey sleep in for a few it was a pretty long petrol " Donnie stated

" fine whatever just go be lazy " Raph yelled

" Raph! it's not being lazy-" Donnie was cut off by a scream

" AHHHHH-AHH-AHHHH! " Leo screamed running out of the dojo with blood on his hands

" WHOAH whoa Leo what's wrong!??" Donnie yelled

" and why ya' got blood on your hands!?!!" Raph demanded expecting an answer

" I-I WAS-SPLINTER- HE HE.." Leo was having a panic attack

" dude, Leo chill what's happening!" Mikey cried

" s-splinter he-he's...dead

The three turtles were in shock how could such a thing happen and how did it happen they were confused, puzzled, frightened and sad that had no idea what to do they we're just kids ( i forgot to give ages so Leo is 16Raph is 15 Donnie is 14 mikey is 13 ) they had been together with there only sensei, there only roel model, there only Father, they're family. The turtles were in a mix of emotions Leo was petrified form seeing his father Mikey was frightened and sad Donnie was in shock and Raph was angry and sad these kids had no idea what to do except Donnie he was reacting rational but still in a depressed state, he went to his father in the dojo followed by Raph and Leo, Donnie told Mikey to go to his room Mikey was in there crying.

Donnie was inspecting splinter with tears in his eyes, Raph not wanting to watch and Leo trying to comfort him as Donnie went yo check for a pulse on his father but there was nothing no way he could be alive he was dead the father taht raised them was dead, Donnie inspected what happened to splinter he noticed there was a stab wound and one of splinters extra swords was on the floor with blood on them Donnie concluded that splinter was training and accidentally stabbed himself , since the blood a bit dry they concluded that the stabbing was a few hours ago  Donnie then picked up his sensei with Raph to help and put him in a bag and left him on the surface in the dumpster since Donnie's never dealt with a dead body this was the first thing that came to his mind.

Donnie, Raph and Leo walked out of the dojo sad with tears running down there faces Raph locked himself in his room, meanwhile Donnie and Leo came to Mikey's room Leo knocked on his door a teary eyed Mikey came out and opened the door signaling for Donnie and Leo to come in, when they got inside it was quite until Mikey broke the silence

" so is mas-master splinter dead.." Mikey chocked on that last part

" yes I'm sorry Mikey " Donnie managed to say

" oh my are you ok Mikey " Leo asked concerned


" I see.. Donnie how are you, are you ok " Leo spoke

" no I'm not " Donnie spat

" my well I'm sure you too remember.. " Leo asked

" remember what?" Donnie questioned

" when we were little the time and raph were the new Paramus the ones to be responsible for the family " Leo said

" oh yeah..wait were still doing that! I thought we didn't have responsibilities? You two are the new parents ughh this will be great " Mikey exclaimed

" haha " Donnie chuckled seeing his brother exaggerate like that

" heha yes Mikey we're still doing that parent stuff " Leo smiled

" Aw man heh I agree with Mikey this is going to be "great" haha" Donnie chuckled

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