Chapter 6

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Raphs pov

I sat down on the chair and waited till morning I was tired but after what happened with my brother I was not going to sleep plus I was probably going to have nightmares about splinter so that wouldn't help so as a result I stayed in Mikey's room watching him sleep I didn't want him to cut- do it again when he woke up.

8:00- I was still awake watching Mikey
10:00- I was still watching Mikey
12:00-I was trying to stay awake
1:00- I fell asleep

Mikey's pov

I ground as I woke up ( it's now seven am ) I had read my comics to sleep last night, as I was getting up I saw...Raph? What was he doing in my room? I saw he was asleep in a chair I didn't want to wake him so I tried just sneaking pst him to my door but I realized that Raph was a very good hearer and my stupid floor was a creaky mess and as soon as I got up he woke up and shouted " YOUR AWAKE " 

No one's pov

" um hey Raph watcha doing in my room " Mikey said sheepishly

" I- what do you mean!? Do you not remember last night! "  Raph yelled

" um " Mikey said trying to sound confused

" your a f***ing liar Mikey " Raph said

" um I don't know what you're talking about heh heh oh would you look at that time for breakfast better get going " Mikey yelled as he ran for the door, Mikey tried unlocking the door but there was no lock but he thought to ask questions later and he booked it out his room only to see his other two brothers in the kitchen Leo was drinking some water and choked when he saw Mikey and Donnie drinking his coffee as he just stared at Mikey

"...uh morning bros " Mikey said

" Mikey..." Donnie mumbled

" hey Mikey a-are you ok! " Leo said running up to Mikey and giving him a hug

" Mikey! " Raph said as he ran out Mikey's bedroom

" oh Mikey" Donnie said as he joined the hug that Leo trapped Mikey in

" um hey bros uh whatcha doing " Mikey asked

" what the heck do you mean!? " Donnie questioned

" uh guys barely hug me " Mikey said

" we'll- I- Mikey..we need to talk so stop playing dumb " Leo said

" whaaat what are you talking bout dudes heh heh " Mikey said faking a laugh

" Mikey " Raph said from across the room the way his voice sounded sent shivers down Mikey's spine

"..."  Mikey didn't say anything

" we need to talk Mikey " Donnie said gesturing Mikey to the couch

" I- I don't really want to " Mikey mumbled

" Mikey. Couch. Now " leo said

Mikey had no choice Donnie was already grabbing Mikey's arm and sitting at the couch
Raph than sat down to but on the floor and than leo walked up to mikey and at down next to him but just as they we're going to tell mikey he needs to talk April came in

" oh hey guys I was just stopping by " April said unknowing of the situation

" oh April good to see ya " Mikey said jumping up and away from his brothers who were quiet irritated

" good to see ya Mikey, I was just stopping by I wanted to talk to Donnie about one of his invitations " April replied

" yea we can go in my lab I want to talk to you about something to " Donnie said staring at Mikey when he said that last part

" um ok " April said a bit confused why Donnie started at Mikey when he said that

" great let's go " Donnie said walking with April to his lab

"No April please you were stopping this conversation to happen " Mikey yelled in his head

" Mikey please we just want to talk to you about the situation" Leo pleaded Mikey

" I-... I don't know why I did it ok " Mikey said

" but you did it for a reason " raph interrupted

" punishment.." Mikey finally said

" what ? Punishment? What are you talking about " Leo said

" I'm the problem I keep messing up our missions I keep being annoying I keep goofing around all the time and I was the reason we couldn't get home earlier, If I didn't get distracted we probably could've been there to help save splinter or at least stop him from dying " Mikey confessed

" Mikey...all that stuff is not true, you do not ruin all our missions our missions get ruined by the krang or all of us, and you are not the problem you might make us mad and annoyed at times but that's what everyone does and you're goofing off has made us smile it's made things more happy and it what makes you you " Leo said as he walked up to Mikey giving him another hug

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