Chapter 13

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"...mikey?.." Raph said

" huh!? Oh's it going " mikey said looking away

" I just..I just wanna say I'm sorry, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for grabbing you, I'm also sorry for how I overreacted.." Raph said

" o-oh..I..I forgive you raph..your my brother after all " Mikey slightly smiled at the end

"...." Raph said nothing

" you ok.." mikey asked

" yeah..I'm just glad you forgive me, your a good brother mikey " Raph said

" thanks raph, two want pizza!" Mikey smiled

" huh sure why not " Donnie shrugged

" totally " Raph said

" heh- oh and uhh Casey's here to " Mikey said

" wait- Casey's here? " Donnie asked

" yup, he's in the dojo with Leo " Mikey said

" oh uh ok should we invite him" Donnie said

" how bout we tell him what's been going on.." Raph said

" too late Leo already told him bout master splinters death and stuff " mikey said

" oh ok " Raph said

" well I'm gonna get them " Donnie said

" huh so how did Casey react " Raph asked

" well kinda like scared and confused and a mix of sadness but overall he handled it well " Mikey said

" well I guess that's good " raph said

" yeah it is " Mikey said

" I'm back~ " Donnie sung

" why the hell are you singing Donnie " Raph groaned

" because I can " Donnie said unamused

" yeah and the dude brought us " Casey said with Leo behind him

" yeah Donnie told us we're having pizza " Leo said

" yeah dudes pizzaaa " mikey said gleefully

" its time to eat i honestly haven't eaten all day " Casey complained

" we'll bows the time to eat " Donnie said

" good bro " Casey said

The four turtles and the human all sat at a big table and got out the pizza and some plates and sat down, cast say next to Donnie and Mikey, Leo and Raph sat together it was perfect..well almost perfect..

" this is good dude! " Casey said

" I know right " mikey said as he raised his arms in the air exposing something ..

" heh I for rea-.." Casey looked up he could see cuts and words on Mikey's arms

" what the.." Casey started

" what wrong Casey " Raph said not fully paying attention

" Mikey's..arms..r-red told me what happened with your arms but...up close.." Casey stopped talking in fear

"Oh..." Mikey mumbled as he quickly put his arms back down

" wow..." Casey said sadly

" yeah it had happened but it's over now and he won't do it again " Donnie said

" yeah.." Leo said

" ...yep.." Raph said under his breath

" ... " sorry if I just made this entire thing reallyyyy awkward.." Casey apologized

" it's no problem bro.." Mikey mumbled

" I'm sorry " Casey said

" it's fine " Mikey said

" well this just got turned about we just continue on our pizza and uhh forget all this bad stuff " Leo said calmly

" yeah for once leos right " Raph said

" thank you Raph-h-hey!! Rude and I'm always right " Leo said

" sure.." Raph rolled his eyes

" you are supposed to be the oldest and your acting like children " Donnie said

" sorry Donnie but it's not my fault " Leo said

" ugh go stick it in your shell " Raph said

" ugh.." Leo mutters

" okkk..this is awkward " Casey said

" yep that's how it is here " Donnie said harshly

" ok! I just got us all here to eat some pizza, can we eat it " mikey groaned

"..oh of course mikey " Leo said

" sure brother " raph said

" finally " mikey sighed

The turtles and human ate there food and put away there dishes on the counter, Raph decided he wanted to spend some time with mikey so he said he wanted to play video games with him, Donnie decided to just sit down and take a break, Leo went back to the dojo saying he was going to train or meditate , and casey said he was going to leave and maybe visit red- uh I mean April so he left. Finally everything started to feel normal again and it was everyone was happy Mikey was happy everyone loved it and loved the family...

Two months later

" hey Mikey time to wake up " Leo said

"Ok ok I'm up " mikey said

The turtles moved on and everyone acted like they did before, Donnie focused on his work, raph always had and attitude but often was kind, Leo was now the new 'parent' seeing as if he didn't want Raph to have responsibility and Mikey was happy again he loved his like and he finally found out his meaning to be love his brothers and friends and a happy life he stopped cutting and he forgot about how he felt, everything was now finally perfect at last it was a miracle..

The end...

Thank you for reading this, I'm sorry but I thought that this was the best place to end this

Good bye until next time


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