I Can Run Faster Than Yukon

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Heather laid in the first class luxurious seats with a purple fluffy sleeping mask on. With the sun just coming up, they had been flying for eight hours. Perfect for a teen to get her beauty sleep. Snoring and drooling, she laid with her seat down, displacing her comfort loudly to her fellow teammates. Two of which were seated across from her, giggling in quiet voices.

Courtney leaned forward slowly into Gwen's ear and whispered something hushed causing an eruption of giggles loud enough to wake the sleeping teenage girl beast. Underneath her sleeping mask, Heather's gray eyes popped open. She didn't stop to wipe the drool from her mouth, instead choosing to listen to her teammates no doubt conspiring. Keeping her body still and her breathing slow. She only caught the end of their next sentence but it sent her into a tailspin nonetheless.

Courtney seemed to be entertaining Gwen with her predictions of the endgame for this season. "-until she gives in for Ale-hunk-dro!" Once again, Gwen exploded with laughter and the girls giggled together in satisfaction.

Heather's pleasant attitude dropped once more. She knew she couldn't trust Gwen because of their online feud between seasons, but Courtney? She thought she at least had her under her thumb. 'My own teammates want me to fail! Ugh! Well they're gonna hear about this!' She had just swiped the drool away when another thought popped into her head. 'Alejandro," she pictured his handsome stupid grin, 'I can't let my anger get in the way this time. My teammates won't be there to save me. Save it for later.'

Heather rose slowly, giving the girls opposite her time to compose themselves and lean back their seats. Heather scoffed at their apparent strategy of pretending to be asleep. 'Amatures.' Looking around the first class cabin, she spotted a very afraid looking Cody trapped by Sierra, frothing at the mouth over Cody's feet. Poor guy.

Heather shuddered and hurried to the bathroom to record her thoughts in a confessional before they would land. 'Who knows what could happen to us all then?'


Alejandro was really starting to hate the middle. He had always been in the middle. Never enough for his father, his brother, and now constantly in the competition. Still, he considered sitting next to Owen in middle class the true rock bottom. He knew he shouldn't complain too much. He had done well. 'More than well,' he thought, 'Destroying pretty much every comp only to lose it in the end to her.' Heather flashed in his mind, laughing at him with those piercing despicable eyes. Today he had to get the upper hand. She had been winning too long. Then a plan came to him, 'As long as Team Victory doesn't get in my way I can steal first instead of Heather," He was still formulating when Chris entered the cabin.

As the contestants begged for a destination with actual perks, Chris assured them they'd get everything they wanted and he left, heading to the cockpit. Alejandro shuddered. He had learned by now to never trust Chris. So he prepared for the trial about to begin.

After a few minutes of dread, the plane began to shake and drop in the sky, heading down to the runway. The seatbelt sign turned on above them. The cast rushed to buckle their seatbelts as Owen screamed his lungs out. Rolling his eyes, Alejandro reached over and clenched Owen's shoulder. He put just enough pressure for five seconds until Owen went gently to sleep. A failsafe he created between episodes to keep Owen under wraps. Now content with silence, Alejandro waited patiently for the plane to land and for everything to begin again.

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