Killer Tension

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Both of the remaining teams were in economy class despite Team Chris Is Really (4x) Hot winning the last episode. Heather and Alejandro were confused as Chris pushed the cast all together and away from first class. Heather spoke to the cabin. "We didn't exactly win last time but we didn't lose. So why are we in loser class with them?"

Sierra replied, "Chris said he needed first class today for a secret, special guest." Her excitement was lost on Heather. "And what Chris needs-"

Heather finished the sentence for Sierra, "Chris takes from us!" Heather felt especially upset knowing Chris had spent all their money last episode. The only reason they had any money to continue was because the aftermath show raised money for everyone. 'The million is back on the table! For now...'

Next to Heather, Courtney rubbed a soothing lotion from a bucket on Gwen's sunburnt hand. Gwen asked Courtney what's in the lotion she made. "It's a mix of green tea and bird guano." She questioned it when Heather jumped in. "That's a nicey-nice name for bird poop!" Then she was laughing at the girls, gripping her sides in pleasant pain.

"Bird poop that is full of healing ingredients!" Courtney insisted over Heather's laughter. Gwen didn't seem to care as she sunk her hand deeper into the bucket of lotion. "Thanks for being nice-ish." She said and smiled up at Courtney. The two locked eyes. Heather felt the need to break the tension. "Bonding over poop? Ugh, is there anyone sane left?" To her right Sierra typed on a pizza box she was using as a fake laptop. "That would be a no."

Alejandro watched the girls bickering and laughing. He lay on the bench using his arms as pillows. As amused as he was watching Heather, he was less amused with his team. Noah and Owen were shooting milk out of their noses and Tyler was the target. Plus Izzy had been recruited by the government after injuring herself and becoming a genius. At least that's what Chris told them. Alejandro suspected that she was already a genius and involved in shadier activities but it didn't matter. 'What matters is we're down a member and the members we have aren't exactly...'

"Hey Courtney, how much of that poop juice have you got?" Noah asked, intending for Owen to shoot it out of his nose.

Alejandro stood up from his seat and excused himself. "Excuse me gentlemen, I have to be anywhere but here." He made his way back to where the confessional bathrooms were. Inside the bathroom he complained about his teammates. "How many more episodes are there?" Minutes later, he was out of the cams and on his way back to economy. He passed the large doors leading to first class. He thought about peeking in to view the mystery guest. 'Get a leg up on the competition.' As he reached for the knob, he noticed the door was cracked. 'Well I have to look now.'

He leaned in and listened.

"What if he takes them out for real?" Chef asked. Chris replied, "Legal says we're clear, and imagine the ratings! We'll score major views." They both were standing facing a mysterious figure holding a large knife. Alejandro shuddered and gasped. The noise drew the attention of all three men. Alejandro tried to jump back and hide but before he could calm his breathing, the man was beside him.

With a scream, Alejandro disappeared into first class. The door shut with a thud.


For the rest of the nine hour flight Heather scribbled down every thought into her notepad. She had to do something to keep her busy and away from her wandering brain. 'Alejandro left forever ago. Where is he? What is he doing?" She couldn't stop picturing him in all kinds of scenarios. Pushed out of the plane, fed to a bear, relaxing in first class. Everything made her worry.

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