Alien Signals

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Heather sat on a stool at the bar in first class. She spun back and forth while ordering a foamy green drink. Looking at her teammates, full of animosity, she spoke aloud to herself. "What a beautiful day it is. Mmm! What is that delicious smell?" Although she knew the answer, 'Tension! That has nothing to do with flirting or me!' She thought happily. 'I have never felt so safe. Thanks Gwen. Or Alejandro?' She didn't know the answer to that particular question but she didn't waste time ruminating on that.

Instead, Heather enjoyed every comfort of first class available. Massages, drinks, even a lovely manicure. Unfortunately, she still had to eat Chef's disgusting meals. During their latest meal of the thirteen hour flight, Courtney made a scene breaking up with Duncan. She had fallen to the ground, kicking her feet in the air like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Crying, she ended things with the uncomfortable teenage boy.

Heather only noted the moment because Alejandro stood behind Duncan, patting his shoulder reassuringly. She found this odd but not as odd as his current behavior. Still, it made the notepad. Later, she left the notepad behind, simply enjoying the looming hatred in the air.


Alejandro sat in economy, more satisfied than ever, at least gamewise. He had fully removed himself as a target and thrown three others right under the bus. Or plane. Either way, he held his head high in the dismal economy section. Next to him, Owen and Tyler discussed getting girls and Duncan playing two women at once. Unbeknownst to them, Alejandro had played more women than actual challenges. 'Duncan is a strong player. He came in second last season. So what to do about it?'

He thought about Courtney's volatile display in the cafeteria. 'Easy solution. Play Courtney, throwing off the Amazons and Duncan. If all else fails, Tyler can be used as a last minute target.' Even prouder, he made his way down to the cafeteria to kill time until their arrival.

The entire cast seemed to have the same idea as they gathered around a fruit bowl left for snacking. Alejandro positioned himself right behind Courtney. Right on cue, Duncan approached Gwen and started flirting. This display enraged Courtney, who began huffing and pouting. Alejandro saw his in.

"Unbelievable!" He whispered for Courtney to hear. She turned to face him, still angry. He took this as his sign to continue. "I am simply appalled on your behalf. Perhaps a little payback is in order?" He threw his arm around her and pulled her closer. "How would Duncan like it if you flirted with someone?" He spun her around to face Tyler, cramming a banana into his face. Courtney grinned and made her way over to the boy.

Alejandro watched Duncan's quizzical and slightly annoyed face and knew he made the right choice. Just as he was about to rub it in his puzzled face, the lights went off, the plane shook, and Chris started speaking over the loudspeaker. He announced an emergency landing and for everyone to hold on.

Like before, the cast gripped the legs of the table in fear. This time they were blinded by darkness. Alejandro reached around on his knees, trying to grasp the leg of the table. Instead, he found a soft hand reaching out like his. He heard a light gasp. "Excuse me, my dear." He said, expecting Courtney or Sierra. Instead he heard a cruel laugh that sent shivers down his spine.

"Don't go trying anything in the dark." She whispered, coldly. Alejandro pictured what kind of smile she had. 'Her proud smirk? Or maybe that big cheesy grin?' Either way, he imagined hers matched his, flashing happily in the dark. "Oh of course. But let me know when you change your mind." He gripped her hand, in a delicate hold. She made no attempt to pull away but did speak back, "If I could see right now you'd so be kicked."

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