Falling For You

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Team Chris Is Really (4x) Hot was full of good luck. Six episodes in and their team of five was going strong. Something Owen was ecstatic about, announcing to the cabin how unstoppable they are. Especially compared to the ironic Team Victory. Only three members, soon to be less.

Alejandro was less than pleased. He shouted back at Owen, "Need I remind you all that we lost the last challenge?" Owen only scoffed and assured "Al" that his leadership would keep them going. 'Of course, leave it all to me. I'm the one pulling these wins out of nowhere!'

Alejandro was pulled from his thoughts by Owen, boasting about his now eliminated fear of flying. Owen unhooked his seatbelt and danced around the cabin, tip toeing like a ballerina. His movement sent shakes through the plane, mimicking turbulence. Owen was shaken off his feet and launched into a patched up hole in the plane's side, breaking the wooden planks like toothpicks.

The air sucked into the plane rapidly. Both teams were lifted off their feet trying to hold on. Owen gripped the inside of the plane, trying desperately to hold on. Panicked, he looked for Alejandro, his leader, for help. "Al! Give me an Ale-hand-bro!" This comment caused Alejandro to grit his teeth and ignore Owen's request.

With the help of D.J. and Lindsay, Leshawna helped Owen in and pushed a large wooden crate over the hole. This temporary fix was enough to solve the problem. 'Good.' Alejandro thought, 'I was just going to let him fall.' He fought back a smirk and got up to let everything out in the confessional cameras in the bathroom.


Unaffected by the turbulence, Heather sat in first class once more. Next to her on a flashy golden couch was Sierra recounting her fan club president days aloud. Heather put on a kind, interested expression, despite not caring in the slightest. What she had actually asked was about Sierra's knowledge of game statistics. Keeping track of challenges was easy for Heather, but things like eliminations and prizes got muddled in her brain.

"So, you must have some idea of who's going next?" She asked Sierra, leading her for a more direct answer. Sierra nodded, pulling out a stat sheet she had made in the many hours between destinations. "According to my stats, no team avoids elimination six times in a row without getting overconfident then blowing it syndrome." Heather studied the sheet with all different types of graphs and statistics. "So you're saying Team Chris is whatever is going to be on the chopping block?"

"Duh! For a tv reg you're a total noob!" Sierra rolled her eyes and stood up to bother Cody.

Heather stayed, pondering the statistics. 'Doesn't our team have the same chance of blowing it? Same amount of members and challenges? We've even won more! And anyone on the team could go.' Worried, Heather made her way to confessional, only for someone to block her way; Alejandro about to enter the bathroom.

She had run smack into his back. Turning, he towered over her. His posture relaxed and a teasing smile crept onto his face. His recent annoyance quickly dissipated at the sight of Heather. "Buenos dias, quierdo." He spoke, lowering himself to speak.

Heather crossed her arms and replied. "I don't know what you're calling me. Just get out of my way." She tried sidestepping the six foot teenager in front of her but he followed her movements, keeping her in line with him. "I said good morning dear. You don't know Spanish Heather? More people should speak it these days. Especially beautiful women like you." He added a wink.

Flushed, Heather made a noise sounding close to a mixture of a scoff and giggle. Disgusted, she shook the feeling away and spoke again. "I speak English and Japanese," after a long pause she added, "cause of my mom." Her eyes watered and fluttered around, keeping her sight anywhere but on Alejandro.

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