Stuck In Heller

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Alejandro had run the numbers. His best shot at making it to the final three was with his and Heather's plan. Take out Sierra like they had almost done last night. But something worried him. Heather's behavior during the twelve hour flight was concerning. She was skittish and distracted. Alejandro could only think one thing. 'She's going to betray me. She wants to take Sierra to the final three. So I have to betray her first and make Sierra and Heather's relationship shatter.' It was a ruthless move, but he didn't sign up to lose the million. He watched Heather sleeping in first class. He pushed down the butterflies in his stomach and stood up.

Making his way towards Chris' room, he entered quietly. Chris was sleeping in a chamber similar to a tanning bed. Alejandro searched the room until he found what he was looking for; Chris' computer. With a simple click, the camera system came up. On each camera were various shots of the plane, Heather sleeping, and Sierra and Cody cuddling while asleep. Alejandro wasn't sure if he found what he needed until an idea came to him. All it took was some simple editing and he had a picture that would anger Sierra more than anything. Now all he had to do was set off the bomb.


Heather was having an awful dream. In it, Alejandro was chasing her across a train, throwing vicious animals at her all while flirting. She woke up, confused to be on the plane. Sitting next to her, Alejandro was eating a tray of flatbread. She yawned and stretched. "That was not a first class sleep, ow." Her back cracked. Alejandro offered her a pupusa but Heather shook her head. 'He probably poisoned them or something.'

"I have to thank you again for inviting me up here. It was a masterful move, keeping Sierra and Cody together." Alejandro said. Heather kept quiet. She could see Alejandro looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "It's nothing," She said, "just strictly strategic." She stood up, heading to the confessional bathroom. She passed by Sierra on the way, who glared at her. 'She must still be mad about me voting for her. I have to work her over to my side soon.' She vented in the bathroom until she felt the plane land.

Stepping outside, she looked around at the rock formations and endless dirt extending for miles. 'Great another way to ruin my wedges.' She walked towards Chris and the other contestants standing around waiting for the crew to get set up. An intern was attaching a mic to Chris while another sweeped the dirt off of Chris' clothes. Heather rolled her eyes and positioned herself with Sierra in between her and Alejandro. She tried to act as if she didn't notice his stares and quizzical looks. Picking at her nails, she heard the director yell action and the interns jumped out of shot. Chris started his speech.

"Welcome to Drumheller, Alberta! A world heritage site. It has the wickedest collection of dinosaur parts on the planet. Behind you is a giant pit with lots of super ancient dino bones. Grab whatever bones you can find to make your very own life-sized dinosaur. I'm calling it Design-osaur-it!" He bragged. The cast groaned as Chris giggled.

Heather heard a growl coming from her right. Expecting a wild animal, she turned and saw Sierra staring at her. "What is your problem?" Heather asked. Before Sierra could respond, Alejandro whispered something in her ear. 'I knew it!' Heather thought to herself. 'He's up to something!' She furrowed her eyebrows and gave Alejandro a deadly look.

"You have two minutes to rifle through the plane's cargo hold and grab whatever you can to help build your creations. And...go!" Chris shouted. Sierra pushed Heather to the ground and ran past her. Heather fell to her hands, landing on a couple rocks in the dirt. She brushed herself off and followed her competitors into the cargo hold. She ran in and spotted Sierra holding a box of glitter glue. 'Damn! I would have made a great dinosaur with that!' Jealous, she made fun of Sierra's choice. Sierra then shot some glitter glue directly onto Heather's face. "Real mature!" She shouted back, glue dripping from her forehead.

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