Ice Cold Jealousy

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As far as Heather was concerned, the sixteen hour flight in the economy section was excruciating. Sierra wouldn't stop gloating about Gwen leaving, Cody was sobbing for the same reason, and Courtney was now flirting with Alejandro, who had snuck back from first class. He placed his arm around her as she giggled. Heather, sitting nearby, crossed her arms and glared as hard as possible at the couple. Courtney giggled again, "I bet you say that to every pretty competitor." Alejandro leaned in close and spoke, "Ah, but you are the only pretty competitor here."

Heather snapped. She coughed out, "Ugly!" but was ignored.

"I wish I was up there. The air back here is just so stale and annoying!" Courtney said, glancing at Heather. 'Oh yeah cause I just love being here, watching your gross love-fest!' Heather thought. She watched Alejandro grab Courtney's hand and pull it up to kiss. "Perhaps I can make your journey a little sweeter. Wait here." Courtney thanked him while Heather rolled her eyes faster than she had ever run.

'She shouldn't even be here!' Heather complained to herself. 'She cost us the challenge and should have gone home. Not stay here and mess with Alejandro and me. Not that I care!' She pulled out her little notepad and read back through the weeks of manipulation Alejandro has brought upon her. She was intending to strengthen her resolve to rid him from her life. Instead, she found herself more confused. 'Alejandro's helped me so much in this competition. Could he be helping me now?'

While writing that question down, Alejandro returned with two cookies in hand. He made no eye contact and didn't even seem to recognize Heather in the room. His coldness pulled Heather away from writing. He handed Courtney a cookie and wrapped his arms around her. 'Helping me, yeah right.' Heather stood up and shouted to the cabin. "Did I just sit in some gum?" Pointing to the back of her shorts, she looked back at Alejandro and Courtney, still paying no attention.

Heather tried again, "I think I sat in gum! Oh no!" She kept her eyes locked on the entwined couple. Courtney was now feeding Alejandro the cookie, which he accepted while staring into her eyes. "Someone look at my behind! Is it-" Sierra, who had been watching the entire scene, interjected. "Totally clean! Wow obsess much?" Heather sent out a withering stare towards Sierra and sat back down. 'I hate this stupid show.'


Alejandro had been in the confessional bathroom when he felt the plane start to spin. With a large thump, the plane slammed onto a frozen lake and spun in circles. Alejandro fell onto his side, hitting his left arm against the hard tile. He cursed and stood up, running out of the bathroom. In the common area, most of the cast held onto the furniture and each other. Sierra squeezed Cody tight. Duncan and Owen were gripping the edge of the table. Courtney and Heather noticed Alejandro walk in and both made their way over to him.

"Alejandro, are you okay?" Courtney asked while brushing her hair back into place. At the same time, Heather, with a scraped knee, started speaking. "Where have you been? Why are you holding your arm like that?" The girls paused and looked each other up and down with similar glares. Alejandro, still reeling from the crash, didn't think before he spoke. "I was in the confessional. Hurt my arm when the plane fell. Are you alright?" Both girls replied again. "Yes." said Courtney. Heather went a different direction. "Do I look alright, idiot?"

Courtney scoffed at Heather's reply. Alejandro, finally coming to his senses, realized the two problems in front of him. 'I need to keep Courtney under my thumb. But Heather is a wild card and could do any number of crazy things if I ignore her. Hmm, what to do?' He stared blankly at the girls, both waiting for his reply. Heather started tapping her foot in irritation.

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