Piece By Piece

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For the first time this season, both Heather and Alejandro were in the economy seating area. Heather kept her arms crossed while Alejandro leaned on his knees. For the entire ten hour flight, they avoided eye contact. The minute Heather would look away, Alejandro would focus entirely on her. Then, he would whip his head away as she turned towards him. He hoped she wouldn't notice his interest in her. She didn't. She was too busy with her own staring, taking him in completely as he faced Owen and Noah.

Noah was trying to discourage Owen from continuing his relationship with Izzy, the cast's crazy contestant. Alejandro listened in, agreeing with Noah, when Owen asked where she was. Alejandro spoke up, "I saw her go to the cockpit to talk to Chef." The teams gasped. Heather even slapped her forehead with her palm, appalled at Alejandro's lapse in judgment. 'Has he even seen the show? Izzy and Chef together is a problem!'

An alarm started blaring as the plane shook in the sky. Somewhere, the teams assumed Izzy was messing with the controls of the plane. Or fighting Chef in the cockpit. Heather fell to the ground, glaring at Alejandro, strapped into his seat.

Looking away as he peeked at her, Heather observed Alejandro's team. Owen, Noah, and Tyler in the overhead storage and Izzy causing havoc. "Having trouble controlling your team, Alejandro?" Tyler heaved and threw up while Noah fell to the floor.

"Your attempts to insult my team are...cute." Alejandro said. His disarming flirtation didn't work as Heather scoffed and shot back, "Whatever. My girl power team is going to win. We don't get distracted by anything, especially boys." She glared at him.

Amused, Alejandro lifted his eyebrows and pointed to Sierra, in the corner shoveling ice cream into her mouth while crying profusely. Obviously, Cody's betrayal left her weak and hysterical. Heather grit her teeth and stood, walking towards Sierra. Gripping her by the shoulders she told her "friend" to get it together. Her tough love approach only continued as she grabbed Sierra by the braid and dragged her out of the room.

Alejandro followed her out of the room with his eyes. The minute the girls were gone he spoke to Cody, hiding with everyone's bags. "All clear!" Cody came tumbling out and fell next to Alejandro. With his teeth chattering in fear, Cody followed Alejandro to the bathroom to confess for the camera. After his confessional, Cody thanked Alejandro. He replied; "No problem. What's one small favor among friends" Smirking, he left Cody alone and in his debt.


While Heather tried to calm Sierra, Izzy spoke over the loudspeaker. She announced the plane was about to somersault and then before Heather could hold on, the plane flipped in the sky. Several times. Heather slammed onto the ground while Sierra grabbed onto a seat and Heather's wrist. Holding her in place as the plane flipped, Sierra continued to cry while supporting Heather. The plane flipped over and over until it finally landed in the water next to the Louvre.

Dizzy and afraid, Heather collected herself. She could feel a pain in her wrist from where Sierra had kept her upright. 'Ugh tough love I guess.' She stood shakily and headed outside with the rest of the cast.

Chris had instructed everyone to stand by the Louvre. As a group, they watched him flip through cards with his speech written on them. Makeup artists swarmed around him. Interns and production assistants hounded the contestants to get mic-ed up and ready to film. Obviously, Chris had planned a different introduction to this episode and Izzy's wreck had the entire crew scrambling to make up a new intro.

Once the cameras started up, Chris gave the highlights. France; city of love, challenge inside the museum to find pieces of art and assemble them. Halfway through his explanation, Lindsay interrupted him to gush about shopping in Paris. Chris grabbed her by the lips. He hushed her and told her there would be no shopping, only the challenge. Heather thought to herself while watching this display. 'What a lousy ally she was. Glad that dead weight is gone.' She glanced at Sierra, still crying and moping. 'Maybe I shouldn't be bragging just yet.'

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