Ancient Games

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Alejandro's scowl had returned for the short four hour flight. Tyler, Duncan, and most importantly, Owen had been annoying him non-stop. So Alejandro returned disturbing glares back at him non-stop until he left the economy section. Meanwhile, Duncan's snoring seemed to be upsetting Tyler, who sat bug-eyed and twitching.

"Something wrong, Tyler? If you tell me, maybe I can help?" Alejandro asked. He was hinting at voting out Duncan or Owen but Tyler's response threw him for a loop. "I saw something." Duncan quickly shot up in his seat. "Oh wow that was a deep sleep. The sleep of the dead. You know what I mean, Tyler? Dead." Giving Tyler a nasty look, Duncan ran out of the room.

Alejandro didn't get anything else out of Tyler except a few shakes and random mutterings but at least he now knew something. Duncan has a secret that Tyler knows. 'Perfect. Another way to drive this team apart. And leave me completely without a scratch.'

Then, Chris spoke over the loudspeaker, telling the cast to report to the cafeteria. Once Alejandro arrived he stood with his team. Across from him with her team, Heather kept her eyes steady on Chris, once again ignoring him. He decided to finally listen to Chris. "So we're re-creating the original olympics! In you guessed it, Rome, Italy!" He had completely spoken over Courtney giving the correct answer, Greece. Alejandro took his eyes off of Heather and spoke up. "But Courtney was correct. The Olympics originated in Greece." Courtney gave him a shy smile.

As the cast agreed with Alejandro, Chris took out his notes. Skimming through them, he called his interns out. One was pushed out of the plane to his very likely death and the other was tasked with researching Greece. The cast, terrified, all hung on to the legs of the table for fear of falling out of the plane. Down on his knees Alejandro spotted Heather, shaking but in anger not fear. Alejandro didn't even try to conceal his first smile in hours.

Sierra stood up and cried out, "Prepare for battle!" The boys across from her stood up and laughed. Alejandro felt the need to speak up. "There's no way us athletes will lose an olympic challenge to a team with no men." Of course, Cody sighed.

Heather, still full of adrenaline, walked right up to Alejandro and pointed her finger right up against his chest. "Hope you look good in silver. I look great in gold." She teased. Alejandro returned fire. "I'll be happy to lend you one of ours, since we'll have all of them." Heather only laughed like a wicked witch and strutted out of the room.

Alejandro ran off to prepare for the challenges, full of renewed energy. Only one thought was in his mind after that much-needed spout with Heather; 'That's my girl.'


Chris stood in front of the contestants with a stack of paper, all presumably about Greece and the Olympics. He read his speech with his anxious intern behind him, hoping to live another day. Alejandro looked at the young man and gave him a reassuring smile. 'He's just another piece in Chris' games. Just like me.'

Chris continued to talk, explaining that today's challenges would be one-on-one matches. Each victory would earn a gold medal and the most at the end would end. Chris then said that a tie breaker would mean a little bit of nudity. He assured them it was for accuracy, but the cast only scoffed or rolled their eyes.

Then, he walked them through some ancient ruins where the first challenge would be completed. Gwen and Duncan both happened to volunteer for the challenge. Alejandro noticed the awkwardness of the pair and that Tyler started to shake once more. He couldn't seem to understand the pieces of the puzzle. 'Perhaps Tyler and Gwen are secretly dating and Duncan is...? Ugh this is so frustrating!'

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