Love Island

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Alejandro spent the entire fourteen hour flight protecting Cody from Sierra. Several times she tried to sneak in and every time he turned her around and pushed her out of first class. 'Geez Heather, do your job and keep her in the economy section.' Alejandro thought after slamming the curtain in Sierra's face. He walked back to the seating area and sat down on a golden cushion across from a sleeping Cody. The unconscious teenage boy woke up startled, checking his shoes and clothes for Sierra's meddling. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked up at Alejandro asking about Sierra. "She did try to sneak in seven times, but I sleep with one eye open for a reason." Alejandro remarked.

Cody thanked him by jumping onto his lap and hugging him tightly. "Please my friend," Alejandro said uncomfortably, "It was nothing. Could we get up before someone sees us?" He pushed Cody off his lap. "Besides, I have a gift for you." Alejandro wheeled in a cart full of candy he won for the last challenge. "Chris delivered this while you were sleeping. Sadly, I do not have much of a sweet tooth and as my dear mama always says, I am sweet enough already. Do you-" Cody cut him off. "Yes!" He devoured the candy, ripping at the wrappers ferociously. Alejandro held back his disgust and smirked. 'He's right under my thumb where I want him.'


In the economy section, Heather sat with Sierra, who was venting lying down. "This marriage has been maybe a teensy bit rocky so far. But I will do whatever it takes! So what do you recommend?" Sierra asked Heather across from her. Heather sighed. "I'm not a therapist! Why are you asking me anyway?" Sierra crawled over, wailing on her hands and knees. Using her best puppy dog eyes she begged Heather, "Please! Cause you and Alejandro are going so well, I figured you'd have advice for me." Heather crossed her arms as Sierra sobbed onto her lap. 'Normally, I'd tell her to stop being crazy and actually marry someone you don't have to trick into it. But Alejandro's doing his job working on Cody, I'll do mine.'

"Sierra, listen," Heather said calmly, "It is time for you to start trusting the girls in your life." Heather was returned a blank look of confusion so she continued. "Boyfriends come and go but girlfriends are forever. And girl-to-girl, you need to start thinking about your game, not Cody's." Sierra laughed and slapped Heather's arm. "You're funny!" Sierra stood up and walked away. "Funny meaning weird or funny meaning you might vote out Cody?" Sierra ignored her and left the economy section.

Heather huffed and wished more than ever for her notepad. 'I wish I could write this down and clear my head.' She thought back to every passage she added and how frantic she was spilling it all out. 'On second thought, maybe it's good I don't have all those numbers and facts weighing my head down. Now I can focus on today's game plan; winning and sending Cody home.' Heather sat in nervous anticipation for their arrival.

While waiting, she felt the plane drop slightly and slam into something. After landing, her and Alejandro strolled across the grass and saw what the plane had destroyed. A statue on Easter Island now lied overturned and broken. Alejandro scoffed. "Another piece of world heritage destroyed." Heather eyed him up and down, taking in his pristine looks. "That's not the only chiseled rock that is gonna get destroyed." She said, attempting to taunt him. Alejandro gave a surprised smile and replied. "Chiseled you say?" He said brushing his hair back. Heather chuckled along with Alejandro. "I said grizzled. Arrogant much?" Alejandro stepped closer and placed his hands on Heather's hips. "You know, that's not much better. But I always love a compliment from you." His eyes flickered down to Heather's lips. Her breath quickened. He leaned in...

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