A New School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. I turned it off, got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on some clothes...

 I turned it off, got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on some clothes

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grabbed my pack, went to get a Pop Tart, said goodbye to Mom and Dad, and went to the bus stop

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...grabbed my pack, went to get a Pop Tart, said goodbye to Mom and Dad, and went to the bus stop. I noticed an Agumon and two Gaomons at the stop. "So, you're the new kid in town?" One of the Gaomons asked. "Yep!" I said, raising my hand for a handshake. "I'm Y/N L/N!" He accepted the handshake and said, "Garou Gaoga! This right here is my little brother, and an occasional pain in my neck, Gareth, or Gary for short". I shook his hand, and the Agumon's. "I'm Ace Tyrannus." He said.

The Bus eventually came to our stop, and we got on. Most of the kids in the bus are Digimon, which I have no problem with. If you're wondering how are Digimon here in the real world, it's because the Digital World and this world are now connected ever since Regulusmon tried to terraform both worlds with his dark power in the past, that happened in his future 6 decades later. After three kids with their Digimon partners defeated him, the past now have Digimon coexisting with us humans, as you can see.

We eventually got to our school, Lockwood Elementary, and it's flipping huge. I went to the front office to get my schedule, and saw that I have this:

Name: L/N, Y/N M/I


A Week:

1st Period: Science - Room 335 

2nd Period: Math - Room 123

3rd Period: Art - Room 180

4th Period: Spanish - Room 275

B Week:

1st Period: ELA - Room 521

2nd Period: Reading - Room 101

3rd Period: Music - Room 373

4th Period: PE - Gymnasium

Ok, not to bad for my first semester here. I was about to head into, when I was shoved against some lockers...

 I was about to head into, when I was shoved against some lockers

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"Would ya look at that?! A new victim!" The tall Guilmon said. "Hey!" I said. "What did I do?!" "You did nothing," he admited. "But know this, New Kid. No matter what you do, you won't ever be safe again when you're near me." He let me go, and walked away to his first class. Ace walked up to me to ask if I was ok, to which I said I was fine. "This sucks on a whole 'nother level for you, Y/N!" He said. "You just been marked by Giles Gallant, THE worst bully in this ENTIRE school!"

I told him I'll be fine, and went to my Science class.

??? POV:

As usual in school, I'm the first one here. I noticed someone coming in...

It's...a human?

I've never seen him before.

Is he new? 

I hope Giles didn't see him...

He's pretty cute too...

REALLY cute~...

Wait, he's coming in my direction. 


I went to look for a seat, and decided to sit down with the (cute) Meicoomon in the back. 

"Excuse me," I said to her

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"Excuse me," I said to her. "Can I sit here, please?" "S-Sure, I don't mind." She said while blushing a bit. "I'm Y/N L/N. What's yours?" I said while taking my seat.

"Meika Raguel." She said. "B-But, call me 'Mei'."

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