Loss of Sanity🔪

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3rd Person POV:

"I knew she had my craziness..." Masako, Meika's mother, said while driving to the institution. "But I never expected this." "Neither of us did." Leroy, Meika's father, said. "And I feel so bad for the boy she liked. Imagine having your friends and family killed in a blink of an eye, because of the girl you rejected..." "Yeah, I hope he will be okay, too."

They checked in, and went to a table to talk with Meika. "Hello, my little Clementine." Masako said to Meika. "Hi, Mom and Dad!" She said cheerfully. "Is everything alright?" "Yep, everything's fine." They said with smiles that masked their true emotions.

"I wonder when I'll go home?" Meika asked. "That...might be a while from now, Mei." "I see.." Meika said. "Well, I hope Y/N will visit me at some point."

Meanwhile with Y/N...


After a few days, I was adopted by two Digimon. A Taomon and a Doumon, to be exact. "We're going to Michigan?" I asked, surprised. "Yes," The Taomon said. "That's where we live, and that's where you will be living at too." I replied, "Well, it's better leaving here in fear of HER trying to get again."

Long story (and drive) short, I made it to Phelix County, Michigan, In the suburban town of Taiwu. "Welcome to your new home, Y/N!" My adoptive mother said. I got out of the car...

and was met with a pretty cool looking house

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...and was met with a pretty cool looking house. Not too over-the-top, but not too boring, either. We grabbed my stuff from the trunk, and got in the house. We went up stairs and put my stuff where it belongs, and call it that. I was lying in the bed when I saw the door open...

 I was lying in the bed when I saw the door open

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...and there was a Renamon that was taller than me. "Hello." She said, with a voice that definitely sounds teenage. I said hello back and asked her "what's your name". "I'm Rena Sakuya, and I know you, Y/N L/N." She said. "You do?" I asked. "Yeah, that night was all over the news, it was on every news channel, even CNN." Rena said, which really surprised me. "Well, I will let you get some rest. See you later, little brother."

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