Birthday Breakout🔪

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3rd Person POV:

12:00 AM


"Happy Birthday to me...."

"Happy Birthday to me...."

"Happy Birthday, dear Meika...."

"Happy Birthday to me...."

Today is Meika Raguel's 18th birthday, and to her, it wasn't the same without her beloved Y/N. She was lying in her bed, with her body facing the wall close to it, while quietly sing-crying to herself, and gently caressing the photo of Y/N and her. "If only you were here, then it would be a lot more special, my darling..." She quietly said to herself. "I know you don't hate're in another state because your parents are gone, and you don't have any other family to take care of you..."

Meika slowly calmed down, and dried her tears. "(Sigh) No matter how many times I touch myself thinking about you, I'm sure it will never top the REAL feeling of you actually inside me... Oh, Y/N, where are you...?"

Just then, she heard footsteps coming to her room and familiar voices chatting with each other. "Are you really gonna miss that sorry piece of shit?" Jessica Thetis said to Mikayla Hawthorne. "Hey, don't call her that." The African American guard woman replied. "And yes, I will, because aside from the murderous tendencies, and a few problems with her mind, she reminds me of me in my younger days, chasing boys to figure out which one is THE one." Jessica snickered then said, "Yeah, and we used to call you 'Horny Hawthorne'!", which made Mikayla slug the Thetismon in the arm.

They unlocked the door and went inside. "Hey, Mei, you up?" Mikayla asked. "Yeah." Meika said, with a tired tone. She stuffed the photo in her mane, got up from her bed, and stood up...

 She stuffed the photo in her mane, got up from her bed, and stood up

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She now towers over the human and the Thetismon. Due to her getting up in age, and her undying love for Y/N and undying hatred for anyone and anything that gets in her way, she Digivolved to a Meicrackmon in Vicious Mode. Her fur turned dark orange, her once calm and beautiful emerald eyes turned into unstable and rageful ruby red eyes, her x-shaped pupils are now white, strange purple markings appeared on her body, while some on her face mimicked tear streaks, she is more muscular than before, armor appear on her body, her tail has a spike in the end, her paws now turned into humanoid hands with longer claws, her mane has grown out more to her back than the front, her hips and thighs got larger, her D-Cup breasts appeared, and finally, she now has Red Digizoid Claws than come from her wristguards, but during her 17th birthday when she first Digivolved to this, the guards and security personnel confiscated them. Due to her missing Y/N, and having a few episodes of clawing herself when she has nightmares of him saying he hates her, she has multiple scars on her, but their covered by her fur.

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