New Home, New Life

544 8 6

7:58 AM





I woke up and turned off the alarm that I didn't realise was beeping, because the sound worked its way into my dream of being in a rave. As I turned to the window on the right side of my bed, sunlight burned into my eyes. Welp, no point in going back to sleep now. I got up from bed, brushed my teeth, and took a shower. I then put on some clothes...

 I then put on some clothes

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(SD: And yes, there will be redesigns

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(SD: And yes, there will be redesigns.)

...and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Well, look who decided to sleep in." My new Mom, Tao Kyubi, said with a warm smile. "To be fair," I said. "I did put most of my energy into building my body up and trying to pass the school year. So I do deserve to sleep in and relax." Mom chuckled a bit and said, "You sound a bit like Dou when you put it like that." I laughed a bit too. "I guess it's because of the massive amount of time I spend with you guys."

I forgot to mention, my new Dad, Dou Kuzuha, moved away, a few years back. But don't worry, it wasn't spiteful, hateful, resentful, hostile or any other mean way. It was just straight up that he found a new job there that has extra benefits. He does come here from time to time, which is nice. He still loves Mom.

Speaking of Rena, she came down stairs to eat. "Hello, Mother." She said. "Hello, little brother." Me and Mom said hey back, and she sat down beside me, as Mom put down (plates/bowls) of (your breakfast) in front of us. As we were talking about what we were gonna do for the summer, my phone rang. I got up and answered the phone.

"Hey, N/N!" My Betelgammamon friend, Brody Canoweiss, said in the phone. "You up and eating breakfast?" I snickered and said, "What else could I be doing at 8 AM, Brody?" "Fair enough." He said. "Anyway, that's why I'm not calling you. Just for today, you, me, and Lee will all be at the park all day." "I'm game." I replied. We said "see ya", and hung up.

After I finished breakfast, I asked Mom to go outside to the park, to which she replied, "Are you sure, because...". I asked, "Why? What's wrong?", and she replied, "It's just...I'm a little bit worried for you. You know how people are these days." "Yeah," I admitted. "But you have to understand, you and Rena taught me martial arts and got me somewhat buff. Not only that, if things go horribly wrong, we got Brody to protect me and Lee, and they've been getting better at fighting, too."

Mom thought long and hard about this, before accepting the fact that I'll be fine. I then went through the garage and got my bike, and headed out though the garage door. 

Tao POV:

I don't have the heart to tell him, and I never will. But Rena knows what I'm thinking about.

"Mother, you should've told him that Meika escaped last night, and that it was on the news before he woke up." Rena said. "No," I replied. "If I did, his mind will...break. He won't be like he is right now. He'll be miserable, regardless if she will be captured with no chance of leaving, escape, or parole, or put on death row. So for the sake of his sanity and happiness, we have to keep it under wraps. NO. MATTER. WHAT. Understand?" "Of course." My daughter replied. "Good. I already called Dou, Y/N's friends, and their parents to let them know."


I then saw Brody and Lee standing outside with their bikes too. "Heya, N/N!", Brody said.

 "Heya, N/N!", Brody said

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"Hey, Brody!" I said. "Hey, Lee!"

 "Hey, Lee!"

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"Hey, Y/N

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"Hey, Y/N." I met these two went I went back to school here in this town, and luckily for me, they like the stuff I like, too. "Ready to head out?" I said. "Yep!" They said in unison. 

"All right!" I said. "To the park!"

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