The Confession and Massacre🔪

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After a week of me getting some rest from that beatdown, I finally returned to school, confident that I will be ok. Also, a few days ago I heard that Giles went missing. I hated that guy, but I didn't want him to disappear. I went to my first class and found out that all of my friends are there, even Mei. It turns out that during B Weeks, we all have the same classes to together.

I made it to my first class, and sat down in one of the tables in the back, as usual. After a while, more students came in. I then saw Mei, and she sat beside me. As she took a seat with me, I noticed her face is red, and she was shaking. "Hey, Mei." I said. "Are you okay?" She looks at me and says, "Y-Y-Yeah, I-I'm f-fine..."

I left it at that, and waited for class to start.

After school...

Mei POV:

I can't stop thinking about Y/N...

And I REALLY don't want to...

He's so precious...

Too precious...

I don't take the bus, as I normally run to school. So, I watched what bus he was on, and tailed it. It took a couple of stops before Y/N and his friends got off at the same time. From the trees, I saw that Y/N went to a house with a (favorite color) roof. I then tailed the Gaomon brothers and saw them enter a sky blue roofed house. Then, the Agumon went to a red roofed house a few doors down.

After memorizing where they live, I went home, ate dinner, and went to sleep.

At the end of the second semester, and after A LOT of inappropriate touching, licking, kissing, kid and teacher killing, and stalking...

It's recess...

And my birthday...

What I want is really special...

For Y/N to be mine~...


I was just talking to my friends about how Kino der Toten is a good map, but shouldn't be considered a God tier map like everyone saying it is, when Mei asked, "Y/N? I...I have to tell you something..." I wasn't sure where this was going, but I obliged.

Mei POV:

Okay, here goes nothing...

"Y/N, every since the first day we met, I thought of you as a normal kid. But as time went by, I knew my previous thoughts about you were wrong. You helped me in my classes, you knew I existed, and you are really nice to me. I knew from the time that I started getting to know you, I starting developing these feelings for you, like I think I will get sick or die if I'm not near you. I just wanna hug you and squeeze you and never ever let you go. I love everything about you. Your (hair color) hair is so handsome, your (eye color) eyes are so beautiful and (shiny/dark), and your teeth is so white and straight. What I'm trying to say is, I LOVE YOU, Y/N! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN FOOD, CANDY, MY OLD FRIENDS, MY OWN FAMILY, IN FACT, ILOVEYOUMORETHANANYTHINGELSEINTHEWORLD!!! (Pant pant) With that being said, do you want to be mine?"

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