A Traumatic Encounter🔪

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3rd Person POV:

As the three teens biked up to the park with Y/N taking the lead, Brody and Leon talking with each other at a volume so low, that Y/N can't hear them. "Remember, Lee, we gotta do everything in our power to not let him see or hear anyone talk about Meika Raguel escaping, including us. Otherwise, his psyche will shatter like glass, and Mrs. Kyubi won't let us hear the end of it. Got it?" Brody whispered, with absolute seriousness. Lee nodded in agreement.

They soon got to the park, and saw not a lot of people there. So for the time there, they just did acrobatic stunts.

Meika POV:

I finally got to Taiwu, which was a really long drive from Lockwood, to here in Michigan. I knew the police would be running license plate numbers, so at around 3 AM, I killed someone, and swapped the license plates on our cars with the toolbox in his trunk.

I drove near a park, and saw some boys playing around. A Caucasian human with a yellow shirt, a Betelgammamon, and...



That beautiful (hair color) hair...those gorgeous (eye color) eyes...that cute little face~...that sweet little smile~...

I took a second glance at my picture of Y/N and me...

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Oh yeah, it's definitely him~.

He looks even cuter than before~. I'm very glad it didn't taken him that long to find him~.

But as much as I want to, I shouldn't run out there and grab him like an ignorant bimbo, because that would blow my cover, indefinitely.

But at night...

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