An Afternoon Beatdown🔪

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The first three classes was pretty cool. The kids and the teachers are nice and chill. My favorite class has to be science. The teacher actually made it pretty fun. Also, when I introduced myself to the class and shook everyone's hand, from the corner of my eye I saw Mei leer angrily at the girls I handshaked, even the teacher. It was now lunch time. I got me some nachos and sat with the kids from the bus stop. After we ate, we went to our next class. We were just talking about Call of Duty Zombies, when suddenly, I was thrown in the floor.

"I told you, New Kid." Giles said with a smug smile on his face. "You're not safe anymore in my school." My friends were about to jump in and help me, but a Dracomon, an Impmon, and a Shoutmon grabbed them and wouldn't let go. "Giles," Ace said. "Come on, dude! Stop!" Giles flipped Ace off, and proceeded to curb stomp my back a couple of times and kick me in the right side of my ribs, which hurt like heck to say the least.

He then proceeded to throw me in the lockers, and repeatedly punch me in the face, make my lower lip bleed, and almost knocking out a tooth. Everyone wasn't trying to help me and was cheering for Giles, and the one's who were trying to, was either A) Scared that Giles and his crew will get them or B) Were being held back by the others who wanted to see Giles kick someone's butt. "This'll teach you to think that you can waltz in here and think you'll be fine around me, ya dingus!" Giles said. "Please, stop!" I sobbed. "Please nothing!" He said. He then wrapped his hands around my neck and choked me. "Giles, stop!" Garou yelled in fear for me. "You're gonna kill him!" 

"Oh, fine." Giles sighed. "But only because I want him alive, so I can torture him more later on in the year." He then kneed me in the belly super hard, making me cough up a some blood and drop to the floor, and kicked me in the face, before he and his crew walked off...

...straight into the Principle, who is a Gallantmon, and Giles' dad (an added bonus). "Mr. Gallant, Mr. Beelze, and Mr. Decibel!" He said with a voice that had no hint of happiness to it. It was pretty amazing to see to look on Giles' face when he ran into his dad. "All three of you, and the students who were cheering them on and holding back others who wanted to stop them, in my office, NOW!!!" A whole group of them walked with Principle Gallant and a few other faculty members. Ace, the Gaoga brothers, and (surprisingly) Mei rushed to help me. "Y/N, are you ok?!" Mei said, completely worried for my safety. 

Before I could answer, I blacked out...

6 minutes later...

I woke up in an Infirmary cot, with an ice pack on my face. I noticed a Lillymon tending to my bruised ribs. "You're a lucky child, sweetheart." She said sweetly. "None of your bones are broken from that beat down that Giles did to you, otherwise, it would be a whole 'nother can of worms to open. Also, your friends helped me with your injures."

I looked to my left, and saw Mei, Ace, Gary and Baron sitting in chairs beside me with sad faces. The Lillymon went to get some bandages, and then Ace said, "Dude, we're really sorry that we couldn't help you". "Don't worry about it, guys." I said weakly. "Those other Digimon were much bigger and stronger than us, and I'm just glad Giles got caught before it could get out of hand." Mei then suddenly hugged me, and I noticed her crying slightly. "I'm sorry I wasn't help." She said between tiny sobs. "I promise to do better." I assure Mei that there was no need too.

3:50 PM

As soon as the he'll sounded, I went to get on the bus to head home. I saw Giles' dad say to his son, "You're walking home, young man". Giles opened his mouth to my protest, but his dad held out his hand to shut him up. Giles then walk to the forest near the school to get to his house.

Mei POV:

As everyone turned away, I tailed behind Giles to teach him a lesson. 

A lesson he will NEVER forget.

Once when we were deep in the forest, I made my move. I tossed dirt in his eyes and blinded him. I extended my claws, and scratched his legs and let him fall. He screamed in pain slightly, while grabbing his knees. For some reason, just seeing him in pain feels...


He then wiped the dirt from his eyes, and said, "You're fucking dead, you whore!", before trying to get up. I then kicked him in the head pretty hard, stunning him. I then scratch his chest until it started bleeding. I then kicked his knees in backwards, so he won't run away. Before I could continue, he started crying. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said between his baby noises. I was then reminded of Y/N on the verge of death.

He nearly killed him...

And he has the audacity to beg for mercy after what he did...

I noticed that something was growing inside me, but I didn't care

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I noticed that something was growing inside me, but I didn't care. I wanted my revenge, and I wanted Giles to DIE.

I was about to slash him again, but then I noticed that my claws have grown longer and then red. I didn't understand what's going on, but I brushed it off. I then used my new claws to slash him in the belly, spilling his guts, stabbed him in the eyes, and it gone through his head stabbed him in the brain, killing him.

I then realized that people will be looking for him. I then buried the body as quickly as possible, cover the blood puddle with leaves, and cleaned the blood of me in a near by river and headed home. Once Y/N comes back tomorrow, he'll finally be at peace...

...with me~.

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