Non-Canon Part 1: Confession and Acceptance

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(SD: For my 25 followers spectacular, I'm gonna do an alternative timeline where Y/N L/N AKA Kevin Wilson actually ACCEPTS Meika's confession, and is smarter about her Yandere-ness. As always, thank you guys for you continuing support for this page.)

Meika POV:

"...(pant, pant) With that being said, do you accept my confession?" I said to my beloved Y/N, away from ear and eye shot of the kids in the playground. "Firstly, I gotta give you props for saying your confession. Secondly..." "Yes?!" I asked eagerly.

"...I will gladly accept your confession. Those other girls here and back at my old town were constantly berating me for being a human, and the one's here hated me for getting their "Precious Giles" kicked out and go missing, even though I had nothing to do with it. And aside from the faculty, my parents, Gary, Garou, and Ace, you were the only one who is very nice to me. I will gladly be your boyfriend."



He actually accepted me...

I felt tears streaming down my face as I gave him a big 'ol hug.


She suddenly plunged into me and started happy-crying, while her tail was wagging like crazy. Not wanting to be rude, I hugged her back, and was about give her a little kiss on the forehead, to which she raised her  head and kissed me full on the lips.

After she calmed down, we returned to where the other kids are, and thankfully, no teacher questioned where we were.

After Meika's birthday party, she slipped something in my pocket, which turned out to be her house number. I have a feeling that things are looking up for us.

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