The Aftermath

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"...they were also set on fire in a similar manner. She then made her way to this house behind me, broke the door down and killed the parents of 9 year old Y/N L/N in the most brutal of manners, that even we can't explain on live TV. It's also revealed that she is the one responsible for the 11 missing kids and 7 missing teachers incident. They were, unfortunately, found buried in a small forest, dead. She is now being shipped in a mental institution to get the help she most certainly needs. More on this story later once it develops, but as of right now, 11 year old Meika Raguel is now being held in custody for 27 counts of first degree murder, 14 of which involves children and 13 involving adults. 2 counts of arson, due to the house fires, property damage for the broken door, attempted 🍇, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment."

What happened next was a blur, either because I was really tired, or I was close to fainting. I saw Mei trying to struggle free from the two Leomon cops that arrested her, a couple of fire trucks whizzing past my house to put out the fire from Ace's and Gary and Garou's houses, a news reported explaining what just happened, red and blue lights, heard sirens blasted through the neighborhood, and saw an ambulance arriving. 

The last thing I saw was 2 paramedics coming near me...



I woke up in a hospital room that was kinda dark. I noticed that I wasn't strapped to the machines, so I got off the bed and left the room...

 I noticed that I wasn't strapped to the machines, so I got off the bed and left the room

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...and was met with a sight that looks like something from freakin' Outlast. Blood, guts, and bodies with mortified faces were everywhere in the hallway. The most terrifying thing I saw, is that on the walls, there were giant claw marks. Those same claw marks were even on the dead people. 

I knew I had to get out of there. I quickly tip-toed through the dim and bloody hallway. It took a few minutes, when I noticed that the hallway got darker and darker. I was about to turn back, when I heard a tiny giggle behind me.

I turned around, and was face to face with a pair of glowing green eyes. The last thing I saw, was a nice toothy grin, a sudden kiss to my forehead, and sudden bite to my neck.



I woke up in a sweat, and found myself in a hospital bed, hooked up to a machine, and a nurse giving me breakfast. Thank the Gods above, that it was a dream.

Meanwhile with Meika...

Mei POV:

I was being interviewed by my Doctor in this hospital. "Say something to the microphone, please." She asked me. "Hello?" I said in the mic. "Ok, good." She said. "The audio is clean, and we are ready to start."

"So tell me, Meika. Why did you kill those children?"

"They were a threat to my relationship with Y/N. I HAD to do it."

"How were they a threat?"

"I saw those girls flirting with him, and I felt that if he fell for those disgusting freaks, he doesn't want to be with me anymore. So, I had to make all of them disappear, for good."

"I see. Well, what about his teachers, his family and his friends? As far as I know, they did nothing to you, and I was hoping that you could send some light on that."

"The BOY teachers were the people I had the least problem with. It was the GIRL teachers that bothered me. All of his girl teachers were pretty, and I was scared that he might date them, so...I got rid of them too. Also, during the day I confessed to him, he explained that his friends and family said I was bad news, even though I did nothing wrong."

"Well, you did kill a bunch of kids, and showed little to no remorse."

"Heh, you're right about that, and I never will."

 "I see. Well, that's all the time that we have for today."

 (SD: Sorry, that this chapter is shorter than usual. I was busy with other things.)

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