I. An Opportunity

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Hi! Thank you for choosing to read my story, it means a lot to me. I'm honestly just creating the plot as I go and having fun with it, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I am writing it.

If you haven't already, please read the description as it contains disclaimers, trigger warnings, etc.

I'm grateful for any votes and comments, so feel free to leave them as you see fit.

Thank you again! :)

Blue light from my laptop screen burned through my dark, blue-green irises, causing a throbbing ache to gently dance along my temples. I had been sitting and staring at the endless lists of sites and ads for at least 2 hours straight. I felt like I had scrolled through miles and miles of internet at this point.

But, I had to find a new job, and quick

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But, I had to find a new job, and quick. Because of Gotham City's plummeting economy, I had just been laid off. Again—for the second time this year. Rent was out the roof, and since the passing of Thomas and Martha Wayne, the city's public transportation system had gone to shit, inevitably forcing me to pull from my savings and buy a car just for my own safety.

Essentially, I didn't have any time to lose because just a few weeks without pay could mean hell for me.

I wasn't sure how many descriptions, pages, and promotions I had gone through when I finally saw it, but as I was scrolling a locally-run job site, a bolded title caught my eye:

"New Job Opening at Arkham Asylum: Client Case Notation Specialist"

As I read on, I realized everything about this position was perfect. The pay was amazing considering my qualifications and the average base pay for other jobs of a similar stature. Benefits were provided by the company and there was room for opportunity and promotion. I realized a position like this would also look good on my resume considering I was actively, and some may consider desperately, trying to climb the corporate ladder.

There was just one issue.

It was at fucking Arkham Asylum.

Waking up at 1:24 PM on a Tuesday felt weird.

Unemployment did not suit me. But, by the time I had submitted my application for the opening at Arkham, it was already 30 past 2. I deduced that I deserved the extra rest. I brewed my first cup of coffee for the day while the rest of the working class was most likely already on their third.

Rained poured outside, as it usually did in Gotham. I used to love the rain as a kid. The cool, dark clouds. The explosions of lighting and the growling thunder that followed close behind. But now, as an adult, the rain just made my world that much darker.

I sat down at my little wooden desk, situated in the living room of my over-priced apartment next to a large window overlooking the street in front of my complex

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I sat down at my little wooden desk, situated in the living room of my over-priced apartment next to a large window overlooking the street in front of my complex. Though my unit was cramped, there was something about the clutter that made it homey, especially on dark and drist days like this.

I flipped open my laptop and checked my email, as I habitually did, obviously not expecting much. Especially not so soon after my submissions. But to my surprise, a single, unread email had populated at the top of my inbox.

I took a long, generous sip of my coffee before clicking it open.

"Ianthe Thatcher,

I've reviewed your application and I believe with your experience and qualifications, you would make a great addition to Arkham Asylum as our first Client Case Notation Specialist. Please let me know your earliest available start date, as an interview process is not needed. You will receive your employee forms and position training once you start with us.

You will be working directly under me, so please reach out if you have any additional questions. Thank you.


Dr. Jonathan Crane
Arkham Asylum Director and Chief Psychologist"

I read over the email several times before I fully processed it.

It was so...weird. He got back to me so quick, and, no interview process?

Also, why was Dr, Crane reaching out to me directly as the Director and Chief Psychiatrist of the entire establishment? Do they not have an HR department? I had so many questions and concerns already, not of which actually pertaining to the job I was applying for.

Everything inside of me was telling me to disregard the email and just look for the next best opportunity. But, I took a look around at my home, my things. I needed this job. If I didn't take it, I could risk everything. And I had everything to loose.

With reluctancy and caffeine flowing through me to the tips of my fingertips, I typed my response back to Dr. Crane.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now