XXI. Ruckus

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The dark, cold day in Gotham continued on as Bruce and I parted ways.

I wondered if I'd ever see my brother again

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I wondered if I'd ever see my brother again.

I hadn't even realized that after all this time that Christmas was only a few weeks away. I wondered if I'd be spending it alone, like I had for so many years, or if I'd have a place at the Wayne's table...

Unlikely, but the sliver of hope remained.

But right now, none of that mattered. I had to find Jonathan. I had tried calling and texting him a handful of times, but to no avail. I decided I would to go to his loft to see if I could find anything—find him. Though a part of me knew he wouldn't be there, it was a start.

When I got there, I was met with a feeling I was all too familiar with.


The entire loft had been ransacked. The chaotic mess before me turned blurry as tears stung at my waterline. Never again did I think I would have to behold this feeling of a home being destroyed and violated. First my apartment. Now Jonathan's loft. I suddenly felt like I had no place, no belonging in this city.

But this wasn't about me. Not right now.

Suddenly, something in my mind clicked.

I knew where Crane was.

I hopped in a cab and made by way to Arkham Asylum and devised a plan silently in my mind

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I hopped in a cab and made by way to Arkham Asylum and devised a plan silently in my mind.

It was later in the day by the time I got to the asylum, but still within operation hours. I put up my friendly, happy-go facade and walked into the ancient building with humble confidence.

At the front desk, riddled with security guards, per usual, I put my plan into action.

"Hi, I'm an employee here. My name is Ianthe Thatcher and I'm one of the Client Case Notation Specialists. I've been out on leave for a couple weeks due to personal reasons. I haven't been able to get in contact with my supervisor, Dr. Jonathan Crane, and wanted to see if he was available so I could speak to him about returning back to work."

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now