Author's Note

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Hi guys, I really appreciate you reading my story up until the end. I hope you enjoyed it and that you'll stick around for the second book (which is already published): "Within Arkham's Walls V. II"

Also, check out my other Jonathan Crane Fanfic,
"Asylum Assignments."

I know this story may be a little shorter than average, but I don't want to overextend myself and I thought the last chapter offered a good cliffhanger to leave off at.

I've had so much fun writing this. I honestly just made it up as I went, and I think it's been great for the plot. It was also great for me as a writer because I was able to be free and creative with the process, and move the story along without limitations or expectations for myself.

My only expectation in regards to my writing is to produce a piece of literary escapism for my readers.

I really want my readers, you, to experience things as Ianthe does, so I put in a lot of effort to create that immersive, first person experience.

I plan on putting out a plethora of different stories, mostly fan-fictions (for now), so I can continue giving life to my silly daydreams and creating thoughtful, fun pieces for my readers.

I work 56 hours a week and am currently trying to keep up with "adulting" (so fucking ghetto), so I apologize for the upload schedule—or there lack of. Regardless, I really appreciate your reads, votes, comments, library adds, etc. It makes me so happy to see others enjoying what I put out.

Once again, thank y'all so much and please stick around for more good reads. Aka—anticipate more villain smut. :)

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now