XV. Haven

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I was silent back at Crane's apartment. Contemplating. I sat on one of the couches draped in a woven blanket, staring out at the crashing thunderstorm through fogged panes. Jonathan was showering. I couldn't believe that this place, my bosses loft, was the only place I was safe now. I couldn't even go back to work, too much time out in the open, my commute, could put me in a vulnerable position.

 I couldn't even go back to work, too much time out in the open, my commute, could put me in a vulnerable position

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I thought of the parents I didn't have, the orphanage I had grown up in. I had never tried to find my real parents. I never cared, as they never cared for me. They abandoned me. But my father had been Thomas Wayne...and my mother, Amelia Lockhart—selfish bitch. I found it unbelievable that my brother, well half brother, was Bruce Wayne. I wondered if he could help me. The bastard sister he never knew.

I shook the exhausting thoughts from my mind. I was safe. For now. I caught movement of a glistening figure in the corner of my eye and heat flooded my face as Dr. Crane, shirtless and steamy with still-wet hair, approached me. His eyes shone just as his moist skin did in the ambient light of the loft. He sat on the couch across from me, faced my direction and rested and arm on the frame. The lean, toned muscles of his arms and torso flexed with each movement.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. I think I'm more angry than anything...but I'm safe here with you. That's all that matters."

"I won't let anything happen to you."

"What am I to do? Flee the city?" Jonathan tossed a pondering gaze out the window. "Perhaps. It'll make it harder for them to find you, but I don't think it will stop the search. No matter where you go, you're still heir to the fortune they want their hands on. Bruce Wayne denied any share."

"And if I deny the share? Would that end all of this madness?" I just needed a way out of this chaos. "Yes, but also, no." My heart sank at Crane's words. "By denying your share, you would be acknowledging your connection to Thomas Wayne, which would open up a Pandora's box of complications. Not only would the integrity of Wayne Enterprises be compromised due to Thomas Wayne confirmed infidelity—which would also put a target on your head—but you would be center stage in Gotham City and you will never again be free from prying eyes."

I took a deep breath. Crane cooed, "We'll talk about it more tomorrow. Try to relax." He cupped the side of my face his calloused hands, his gorgeous eyes cradling my own. Jonathan was the only haven I had right now, and I needed him. I leaned in to kiss him, thunder and lighting crashing as we embraced. I etched my hands across his shower-slick skin, my body bracing at the coolness of it. Passion bursting between each breath as Crane prowled over me and began grinding his hips between my legs. My heart raced at the proud length I felt through his thin pants. I clawed at his back as Jonathan kissed and sucked my neck down to my collarbone, edging my breasts.

I pushed him off of me and slid off the couch and unto the floor, positioning myself between his knees while on mine

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I pushed him off of me and slid off the couch and unto the floor, positioning myself between his knees while on mine. The doctor groaned as I exposed his member, kissing and licking it ever so slightly as I removed his garments. "Ianthe," he breathed, "you'd do well to learn not to tease me." I smirked, gently stroking him, and retorted, "And you'd do well to learn the patience and pain that comes with please." He gave me a half grin as he tossed his head back on the couch. I slowly began taking him into my mouth and with each inch his moaning and breathing became louder and ragged.

Moments later, when Jonathan couldn't take anymore, he pulled my atop of him. He ravaged my mouth with his hot tongue as I slid himself into my and rocking back and forth, up and down. Crane gripped my waist and his veins bulged with each tightening grip. "I-Ianthe," he began whimpering, sending bolt of lighting through my body. Jonathan I moaned in return, finding my release over him, causing him to find his in me.

I lay still, head on Dr

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I lay still, head on Dr. Crane's chest, our naked bodies pressed together, the raging storm outside like ambient music. He went on about the asylum, some of the things that had transpired while I was gone, follow-ups on some our patients—even tossing in a sly comment or joke here and there. For once it seemed, in our relationship, or whatever this was...we were having a normal conversation. I watched how his blue eyes danced when he talked, especially the tings I could tell he had a passion for. And I felt that I was melting his icy heart, and him planting seeds in my barren one.

Having someone...care for me...look out for me...it was a feeling unknown. But I could see the tenderness and affection in Jonathan's eyes when he looked at me, when he listened to me.

That's when I realized this...us...was worth fighting for.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now