XIX. Arrival

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I looked out the bus window ponderously as it bounced through the rocky Himalayan mountain passes.

I was still trying to process what had just happened

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I was still trying to process what had just happened.

What had the authorities exposed Jonathan for that was bad enough that an entire SWAT team had been stationed in our hotel all the way across the world? In the matter of 24 hours? Had they been on his trail...our trail...the entire time? Did they suspect me too?

I knew Dr. Crane did bad things—what those things were specifically, I didn't know. I decided to remain ignorant to it the day I saw him put a bullet in Eric's head. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. Especially since the people he...worked...with were the very people that essentially put a bounty on my life.

But now he was gone, and I had to do this alone. Now I had to save myself.

Hours passed. I had to ask the bus driver a couple of times to stop so I could vomit. I was not doing well with the whiplash of the rusted bus through the jagged paths and the altitude sickness that plagued my body.

The driver spoke very little English, but he was kind; and he was my only savior in these unforgiving mountains.

The driver spoke very little English, but he was kind; and he was my only savior in these unforgiving mountains

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The journey took days. And with each rise and fall of the sun, I felt becoming more and more anxious. Afraid.

With Jonathan by my side, I had felt safe, untouchable. But here I was, miles deep into unfamiliar, dangerous territory, with a long-shot mission.

And I was alone.

I snapped myself out of the self-sabotaging funk I had gotten into. I used to do everything alone, I grew up and lived my entire life independently up until the events of the last few months. I got myself through everything—me and me alone.

I was strong, independent. I could do this.

On day 4 of my travels, I arrived in a village just a few miles from the Bhutanese prison that held Bruce Wayne.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now