XVI. A Plan

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay in getting you the next chapter. I'm still getting settled into my new apartment and I also got a new cat!

Please be patient with me as I'm trying to get these chapters out to you as soon as I can

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Please be patient with me as I'm trying to get these chapters out to you as soon as I can. Also, Wattpad is currently not allowing me to upload photos, so I apologize for the lack there of. I reported the issue, so once it's fixed I'll come back and add some.



For the first time, I awoke with Jonathan in the bed next to me. Never before had I seen him so peaceful. So...vulnerable. The sunlight pouring in from the loft windows caressed his angelic features in shades of gold.

Growing up as an orphan and even in my past relationships, never had I felt so full, knowing that there was someone who genuinely cared for me, wanted to protect me, would do anything for me

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Growing up as an orphan and even in my past relationships, never had I felt so full, knowing that there was someone who genuinely cared for me, wanted to protect me, would do anything for me. Salt water stung my eyes as my gaze beheld his face, as I was subconsciously counting his every breath.

I couldn't lose this. I had to find a way to save myself from this mess.

I laid in bed for awhile, listening to the humming of the city outside, staring at the exposed piping of the loft ceiling. Millions of thoughts ran through my head. Scenarios, escape plans, work-arounds, loopholes, until one loud thought cleared out all the others. I didn't know how difficult it would be, maybe even impossible, but I was going to give it a shot.

I was going to try and bring back Bruce Wayne. The true heir to the Wayne fortune. My brother.

"That's impossible, Ianthe." Jonathan crooned at me a little while later over breakfast and coffee. We sat at the kitchen island bar, urban lighting and the smell of dark-brewed caffeine filling the space. "I have work to do here—including protecting you from the very people I work with. I can't exactly up and leave to some podunk prison out in Bhutan so you can have a little family reunion." Arrogance and ice filled his tone and expression.

Was this the result of the cruel things he did behind closed doors? The people he worked with? Perhaps even his family? Never in my life had I met someone so emotionally volatile

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Was this the result of the cruel things he did behind closed doors? The people he worked with? Perhaps even his family? Never in my life had I met someone so emotionally volatile. Kind one moment, and next cold and hard. I left the concerning thoughts in a dark part of my mind and continued my offense.

"I will go by myself then." I straightened my back. "I believe I'm more than capable to do so, and besides, what other choice do we have? With Bruce Wayne incarcerated and out of the country, I'm basically a walking target in these streets, and I can't stay locked in here." I motioned my hand to the doctor's home. "They will eventually find me, and they will kill me. You know this, you're the one who even told me this in the first place for fuck's sake. I would already be dead right now if it weren't for you. And you want to stop now? Give up on me now—"

Rage filled Crane's eyes as he slammed his hands down on the kitchen bar stood up. "I have not given up. I will never give up on you. So don't think for one second that that is what is happening here. I'm protecting you the only way I know how—"

"I am not one of your patients! You can't just lock me up and call it protecting me like you do with them!"

"I am not one of your patients! You can't just lock me up and call it protecting me like you do with them!"

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Hurt flickered in Jonathan's ocean irises and before I could retract what I had just said, it was gone. He dropped his hands to his side. "I have to go to work. Stay here."

I took my coffee to the living room and stared out the foggy, cracked windows, not moving until Crane finished getting ready and left for work at the asylum. Well, I assumed that's where he was going, but with Jonathan, who knows.

I had to be aware of every move I made and every person around me as I clawed my way through the crowded airport. I snaked around corners, biting my lip, knowing that with each step I took my time was slipping. A dark hoodie shaded my green eyes as they etched the surrounding areas, scoping out any potential danger.

I was scared. But I had a plan.

It had taken me several days, 6 to be exact, of planning and coordination. I was almost killed again—shocker. I had just barely gotten away. But everything was falling into place. I prayed that fate and the universe were on my side as a boarded the aircraft destined for Bhutan.

And Jonathan was right by my side.

He gripped my thigh as we rose into the air, his cool touch soothing my pounding heart

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He gripped my thigh as we rose into the air, his cool touch soothing my pounding heart. I closed my eyes, the humming of the jets like a lullaby, and rested as our journey began.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now