IX. A Visitor

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I called in the next two days. I sat alone in my cramped apartment, chewing my cuticles to shreds as I blankly stared off into nothingness, contemplating.

 I sat alone in my cramped apartment, chewing my cuticles to shreds as I blankly stared off into nothingness, contemplating

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I didn't understand how I had gotten myself into this mess. A few months ago, I felt like a relatively normal person living a relatively normal life. Now, I felt about as sane as the the patients under Dr. Crane's care.

There were so many thoughts swirling in the abyss that was my mind. I still couldn't shake the terrifying feeling that Eric had been outside of my apartment with the intentions to kill me—or the image of his lifeless body on the cold tile floor and the joy I felt knowing he was in pain before he died. And once again, I was met with conflicting "feelings" about Jonathan Crane.

There was a half of me that was terrified of him and what he was willing to do, and half of me that wanted him and all his madness.

I had been numb before I met Crane. My world was normal, yes, but bleak. I felt like every minute was wasting away, like sand through my fingertips. But since I started working at Arkham and the doctor became a part of my everyday life, I felt...vibrant. Despite being surrounded the dark city I called home and the dim grunge of the asylum, I felt full of life.

I was really starting to enjoy my job, despite the disturbing things I saw and having to up my medication because of it. I'd come to enjoy trying to understand people, their mental illnesses, and watching their habits. Some of the patients were actually quite nice and I was friendly with a few of them. The commute wasn't bad and my position paid handsomely, but not as handsome as Dr. Crane.

He was different than anyone I had ever met. Intelligent, mysterious, unpredictable, and effortlessly gorgeous. He was also dangerous, but something about that drew me further in.

It was around 8:30 PM and I had just finished getting ready for bed. I dressed myself in a dark green, two-piece silk PJ set and tied my hair up in a messy bun, my baby hairs desperately trying to escape the updo. I was about to make myself some herbal tea when there was a knock on the door.

I already knew who it was.

I walked to my chain-locked door and looked out the peephole. There was Jonathan, standing there, patiently waiting. I took a deep breath before undoing the locks and opening the door just barely. "Dr. Crane?" I breathed.

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