X. Phantosmia

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I decided to pull myself out of my squalor the following day after Dr. Crane and I's...encounter. He selfishly and hungrily consumed my every thought for the remainder of that night and I needed to see him as soon as possible. All those things he said said, the guard he had let down in that brief moment of intimacy, before he basically vanished.

I wore a blouse the same color of the silk set I had worn the night before, foolishly thinking it might remind Jonathan of the moments we had. But when I got to work, he wasn't there. Nowhere to be found. Despite the hundreds of people in the asylum, it seemed empty without him.

Maybe he had another lucrative dealing going on, maybe he wanted to avoid me

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Maybe he had another lucrative dealing going on, maybe he wanted to avoid me. He was probably ashamed. I suddenly felt embarrassed as I looked down at my deep green top.

The next day was the same thing. No sign of the doctor. A terrible feelings swept over my body as I came to realize...I missed him. His smell. His voice. His presence.

Saturday night I reluctantly agreed go out with my friends to a local bar since I had canceled on them the last time. It would hopefully get my mind off of Jonathan Crane and the rest of the torturing details that had comprised the previous week.

I paired a delicate, black-lace lingerie top with a grey slacks and black leather booties. I let my hair hang loose and untamed and sported dark red lipstick with my mascara and liner-darkened eyes.

I wondered what Jonathan would think if he saw me in this, what animalistic gaze he would cast my way like he had previous times before

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I wondered what Jonathan would think if he saw me in this, what animalistic gaze he would cast my way like he had previous times before. I shook the thoughts from my head. I won't not think about him tonight.

I headed out and met my friends at a bar close enough to my apartment that I could walk. My heeled boots clicked loudly on the pavement, but the sound was swiftly washed out by the traffic and chattering of the city. "Ianthe!" A female voice called ahead of me. I peeked my head around the crowd until I found Nicole, one of my closest friends. It wasn't until I saw her that I realized how much I missed her and how absent I had been in our friendship the last couple of months.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now