VI. Obsessed

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The next Monday I decided that I would creep back down into Crane's office and look at what exactly it was that he was doing with my information...and what all he knew. If I would've known my boss would have access to my client files, I think I would've though twice about my position at Arkham.

But as for my said boss...he filled my every thought for the remainder of the weekend. His laugh constantly rewinded in my head...and what he had said...

"...I wouldn't mind having you locked up here."

It repeated over and over in my mind and made certain parts of me warm and fluttery. Images of his profile, his lips and bone-chilling eyes, his hands...they took over every thought I had and I couldn't stop it.

God, maybe he was right, maybe I should be locked up for thinking and imagining the things I was

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God, maybe he was right, maybe I should be locked up for thinking and imagining the things I was. Jonathan was egotistical, unpredictable, secretive, and definitely a sociopath. He also ran a literal insane asylum...but he was at the center of my delusions. His mysteriousness and intelligence continuously puzzled me, drawing me further in.

I snapped out of my Crane-obsessed thoughts and decided I would do to him what he had been doing to me for the last couple of months. I would watch HIM, go through HIS things, find out HIS secrets. He was no ordinary man, and I was dying to know what he was doing in private.

I didn't see Crane much Monday, and instead of doing case notations with him, I just organized client files and got with patient specialists to mark any behavioral changes. Though a part of me was disappointed by not spending continues hours by the doctor's side, I was glad he was gone because I wanted to investigate his lab. 

After I clocked out from my shift, I made my way down the endless, liminal hallways of the asylum to where Crane had taken me the Saturday before. As I quickly made my way down the halls, I wondered how many other hidden corridors, labs, and other rooms were embedded within the walls. Once I got to Dr. Crane's office, I realized the door was locked. I was such an idiot. I tried the handle and scanning my badge, but no luck. As I turned to leave, an elderly cleaning lady appeared, perhaps the one from the other night.

Thinking fast, I blurted, "Hi, excuse me ma'am! Would you happen to have access to Dr. Crane's office? I'm supposed to be grabbing some files but he wasn't here today. My badge isn't working so I'm unable to get in."

She looked at me for a moment before nodding and scanning her badge on the sensor next to his door. I heard the lock click and my stomach summersaulted. I thanked the elderly woman, who said nothing and walked off. Odd. I dug through Jonathan's desk just as he had and found exactly what I was looking for. I unlocked the door and made my way to the lab.

Upon entering, I immediately went back to the table that I had seen all my files on. But they were gone. I searched nearby shelves, drawers, and cubbies but I couldn't find them anywhere. I cursed under my breath. I had no idea what he had seen or what all he knew about me, which began to infuriate me.

I carefully started to go through his things, making sure to place things back exactly where I found them. The volume of toxic chemicals and weird viles of unknown substances began to frighten me. What the fuck was he doing with all of this? And all the unmarked aerosol cans caused a sickening pit to form in my stomach.

That's when I heard them

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That's when I heard them. Crane's voice, along with many others, coming from the opposite direction of the corridor through which I had come from. There must be several entrances to it, some probably more secretive than others.

I had to hide.

I watched as Crane spoke to a group of men in fine suits. They spoke about some deal down in the Narrows, and that's when I knew what was going on. These were criminals—thugs—and the Doctor was working with them. He was one of them.

He spoke in a language of chemical combinations that no one, including me, understood. I could tell he was doing that to bore the other men. The doctor was clearly trying to close some kind of deal.

"I need to see how this...fear stuff works before I continue funding your little science projects, Crane," one of the men growled, his accent thick and hoarse. I tried to stay as silent and still as possible. I stood motionless in a metal locker with several small holes in it near where the strange men and Dr. Crane were having their discussion.

I knew these men were dangerous

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I knew these men were dangerous...that Crane was dangerous...and I was terrified of the consequences if they found out I was here.

"Yes sir," Jonathan cooly replied, sizing up the gangster across from him. "Did you bring the subject I requested?" My heart dropped to the floor. They were going to test the chemicals on somebody? An actual person? "Bring him in," the mobster called out, not breaking eye contact with the clearly amused doctor. Suddenly, two other gangsters appeared, and between them was a man who looked to have been badly beaten. They must've captured him just for this...

I felt awful. I was about to witness torture, as if witnessing an illegal drug deal with some of Gotham's most powerful crime-lords wasn't enough. I didn't know what those chemicals that Crane created were capable of, but I knew it wasn't good. I wanted to save the man, who's limp body fell to the ground as the henchmen released their grip.

The subject looked up at the doctor with terror in his eyes. That's when I realized who it was...

My ex.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now