XI. Long Nights

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Dr. Crane and I went back to his loft. I was too afraid to go home, to be alone.

My head ached with an alcohol-induced migraine as I sat on a worn, whiskey-brown leather couch. The doctor and I had barely spoke since leaving the alleyway. The only sounds he made were those coming from the kitchen, the clattering of cabinets and pans and glasses.

I took the moments alone to study his home. The furniture was worn in, but not dirty. Everything seemed irregularly placed but the space was still somehow perfectly arranged. There were books everywhere—on shelves, tables, chairs, even the floor, most of them including "psychology" and "biochemistry" in their headings. I looked towards the upstairs, where the bed was. The bed I had been in.

I noticed that there were no pictures anywhere

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I noticed that there were no pictures anywhere. No pictures of Jonathan as a child, no family portraits, nothing. Though I didn't know his familial situation, I felt like in some way I could relate to him. I didn't have any pictures of my family in my home. But that was because I didn't have a family.

"Here, Ianthe." Crane's sultry voice interrupted my thoughts as he set down a plate of food and a drink before going back and getting his own. We sat silently on the couch, eating from the coffee table. I again was the one to break the tense silence. "What is your family like?" The doctor looked at me surprised, flecks of what I couldn't tell was anger or sadness, or both, swirling in his eyes.

"Dead." He said nothing more and continued eating. I stared at his emotionless, sculpted face, stunned by his brisk answer. "What happened to them?" I immediately regretted asking. Crane pushed away his plate of food and leaned back into the couch, tossing his gaze towards me and rustling his hair. "My mother died in a fire when I was young, and my father died in front of me from a heart attack a few years later. The rest of my family is estranged, so they're basically dead to me anyway."

I was genuinely at a loss for words. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I barely knew my mother and my dad was a maniac. Though it doesn't look like the apple fell far from the tree." The mood shift, he was serious and now he was joking about his dead dad. Classic.

"And you, Ms. Thatcher? Or Ms. Wayne, is it?" Smug asshole.

I didn't have the energy to talk about it—the things I did and didn't know about myself. And how I now had a target on my back and the shooter was unknown.

"I don't want to talk about it." I was suddenly feeling bold. "I want to talk about the other night." Jonathan went stiff. Was he really that embarrassed about what transpired between us? "I have many long nights, Ianthe. You're going to have to be more specific." I coldly stared at him until his eyes softened like they did that night. "I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to...cross any boundaries..."

I cut him off like he did me many times before

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I cut him off like he did me many times before. "I want you Jonathan. You've made me feel more alive than I have ever felt ever in my life. I don't care what you do in the shadows, who you work with, what you create. Or that you stalk me. If anything, I'm intrigued by it. I can see through your mask...even that hideous scarecrow one." We both gave hushed laughs. "I want to know you, Jonathan, understand you..." I hesitated, "...feel you.

He looked stunned, eyes glazed over. I so badly wanted to know what was going on inside of his head. His beautiful blue eyes danced back and forth between mine.

"Ianthe...I...I can't." He began to stand but I grabbed his hand, gently pulling him back down to me. He bashfully obliged. I grabbed the back of his neck and traced my nails up his head and through his tussled brown hair. He put a freezing hand on my thigh but everything inside of me felt warm. I wanted him so fucking bad.

Our lips embraced and the sound of wet, passionate kisses filled the echoey loft. His large hands tangled my hair and gripped my jaw. I pushed further and began straddling him. I felt his hardness through his slacks, causing my inner thighs to soak with longing. Crane peeled back the straps of my lingerie top and caressed my shoulders and collarbones with his hot tongue. Goosebumps ravaged my body as I threw back my head. Soft moans escaped my mouth and my hips bucked with pleasure.

He suddenly picked me up and laid me back down on the couch, climbing over me

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He suddenly picked me up and laid me back down on the couch, climbing over me. I was slightly shocked by his strength. I removed his vest and button down, exposing his pale, toned body. Deep lines shaped his form and I traced them with my fingers. He slipped off my top and removed my belt all while exploring my mouth with his tongue, letting out raspy breaths when our lips separated. He stood me up and slid down my pants, kneeling, leaving me exposed in just my bra and panties. He looked me up and down, caressing his veined hands over each and every one of my curves.

He looked up at me from where he was kneeling, so submissive yet dominate, waiting for approval to continue. I gave a huffed smirk and nodded once before he ripped my lace panties, his animalistic eyes resurfacing. The hot wetness from his tongue soaked and sunk into my folds, exploring. I gave him loud moans as confirmation and gripped the back of his head, pushing him deeper. Jonathan found my spot with ease and in a matter of minutes I found my release. He growled with pleasure as he devoured every drop.

Jonathan stood and pressed my body again his, and in my ear he whispered, "Never have I tasted something so sweet." Weak in the knees, the doctor picked me up and carried me to the loft where the blue-sheet fitted bed was. He laid me down, gently, and removed his trousers and boxers. Climbing over me once more, he interlocked my fingers with his and pushed my hands above my head. Little by little, he dipped more inches into my warmth, letting out deep moans with each thrust. The sweat on his body glistened like glitter and his front locks has become wet with moisture.

Once fully inside of me, Jonathan stroked smoothly and rhythmically, causing me to finish more times than I could count

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Once fully inside of me, Jonathan stroked smoothly and rhythmically, causing me to finish more times than I could count. Never before had I felt like this. I had a few partners before Dr. Crane, but there was not a passion like there was now. My back arched and I screamed with delight as he climaxed, releasing himself inside of me.

Dripping and out of breath, we laid together, side by side, saying nothing until exhaustion overtook us both and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Within Arkham's Walls: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now